Scientific Validity of Polygraph Testing: A Research Review and Evaluation

NTIS order #PB84-181411

Report cover

Full Report ~1107K
Front Matter ~31K
Table of Contents ~13K

1: Summary ~27K
2: Varieties of Polygraph Testing and Uses ~85K
3: Controversy Over Polygraph Testing Validity ~252K
4: Review and Analysis of Polygraph Field Studies ~94K
5: Review and Analysis of Polygraph Analog Studies ~114K
6: Factors Affecting Polygraph Examination Validity ~54K
7: Conclusions ~46K

A: Informed Consent Forms ~20K
B: Results of the OTA Survey of Federal Government Polygraph Testing ~45K
C: Coding Form ~28K
D: Acronyms and Glossary ~11K
References ~354K