ENG 402 / MED 401

Forms of Literature


Susan A. Stewart

Each term course will be offered in special topics of English and American literature. One three-hour seminar.

MED 412

Topics in Medieval Studies


An intensive seminar devoted to a particular aspect of European medieval life and culture. Topics change yearly. One three-hour seminar.

HIS 428 / HLS 428 / MED 428

Empire and Catastrophe


Teresa Shawcross

Catastrophe reveals the fragility of human society. This course examines a series of phenomena--plague, famine, war, revolution, economic depression etc.--in order to reach an understanding of humanity's imaginings of but also resilience to collective crises. We shall look in particular at how political forces such as empire have historically both generated and resisted global disasters. Material dealing with the especially fraught centuries at the transition between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period will be set alongside examples drawn from antiquity as well as our own contemporary era.

ART 430 / MED 430 / HLS 430

Seminar. Medieval Art


Charlie Barber

Topics in medieval art and/or architecture. Prerequisite: a course in the art of this period or instructor's permission. For department majors, this course satisfies the Group 2 distribution requirement. One three-hour seminar.

ART 537 / MED 500

Seminar in Medieval Art


Beatrice Ellen Kitzinger

Intensive seminar on selective topics in Medieval art and theory from 400 to 1400.

NES 502 / MED 502

An Introduction to the Islamic Scholarly Tradition


A hands-on introduction to such basic genres of medieval scholarship as biography, history, tradition, and Koranic exegesis, taught through the intensive reading of texts in Arabic. The syllabus varies according to the interests of the students and the instructor.

GER 508 / MED 508

Middle High German Literature


Sara S. Poor

Based on one specific text, the first term provides an introduction to language, metrics, manuscript tradition, and textual criticism. The second term deals with special topics in German literature between 1150 and 1450 or interdisciplinary topics such as orality and literacy, word and image.

GER 509 / MED 509

Middle High German Literature II


Sara S. Poor, Eric White

Based on one specific text, the first term provides an introduction to language, metrics, manuscript tradition, and textual criticism. The second term deals with special topics in German literature between 1150 and 1450 or interdisciplinary topics such as orality and literacy, word and image.

FRE 510 / MED 510

Seminar in Medieval French Literature


Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet

To suit the particular interests of the students and the instructor, a subject for intensive study is selected from special topics such as chansons de geste, roman courtois, paleography and textual criticism, rhetorical theory, lyric poetry, the chronicles, and Provençal materials.

MUS 512 / MED 512

Topics in Medieval Music


Rob C. Wegman

Source-critical, historical, and stylistic studies of one of the late medieval polyphonic repertories are studied.

CLA 517 / MED 517 / HLS 517

Problems in Post-Classical and Byzantine Literature


Emmanuel C. Bourbouhakis

As the late antique present began to dramatically assert its variance with the venerable Greco-Roman past, historical writing took on a significance hardly surpassed before, or after. Course surveys the diverse corpus of historiography in Greek from the 4th to the 7th centuries (and perhaps a bit beyond) when an unprecedented number of registers entered and enlarged the historiographic genre. Class reads texts in Greek (for accuracy and formal concerns) as well as in translation (for scope). Scholarship will buttress our weekly discussion.

HIS 544 / MED 544

Seminar in Medieval History


William Chester Jordan

Selected problems in the social, administrative, and legal history of Western Europe in the Middle Ages, primarily during the 12th, 13th, and 14th centuries.

NES 545 / MED 545 / REL 548 / JDS 545

Problems in Near Eastern Jewish History: Jewish and Islamic Law


Eve Krakowski

A study of a number of central problems, historiographical issues, and primary sources relevant to the history of the Jewish minority under Islam in the Middle Ages.

CLA 598 / MED 598 / HLS 598

Methods in Byzantine Literature and Philology


Emmanuel C. Bourbouhakis

This course emphasizes proficiency in post-Classical and Medieval Greek language through close readings and translations of literature. In addition to surveying the principal genres of literature and the questions surrounding them, it also introduces Ph.D. students to the instrumenta studiorum of Late Antique and Byzantine philology, such as palaeography, codicology, text editing, databases and bibliography.