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= ELE 538B: Quantum Information Theory
[http://www.princeton.edu/~cuff/ Prof. Paul Cuff], [http://www.princeton.edu/ee/ Princeton University], Fall Semester 2014-15.
== Course Description
Information theory addresses the fundamental mathematical limits of communication (error correction), compression, and security, built upon probability theory. This material brings quantum mechanics into the picture to derive the mathematical limits of information processing in the physical world. This includes error correction encoding for preserving a quantum state, secret key agreement via quantum channels, etc.
This course builds quantum information theory from the ground up, connecting it to classical informaiton theory at each step of the way. No prior expertise is assumed.
Prerequisites: comfortable with probability and linear algebra
([http://registrar.princeton.edu/course-offerings/course_details.xml?courseid=002542&term=1152 registrar course listing])
== Topics
*Background in Quantum Mechanics:*\n
pure\/mixed state\n
density operator\n
*Resource Tradeoffs and Protocols:*\n
super-dense coding\n
coherent classical communication\n
*Classical Information Theory:*\n
entropy\/mutual information\n
lossless compression\n
channel capacity\n
*Quantum Information Theory:*\n
von Neumann entropy\n
Schumacher compression\n
entanglement concentration\n
quantum channel capacities
== Teaching Staff
=== Instructor
[http://www.princeton.edu/~cuff/ Prof. Paul Cuff] \n
Office location: B-316 E-quad \n
Office hours: Tuesday 3-4pm
== Time and Location
=== Lectures
Room: Friend Center 111\n
T/Th 10:30-11:50am
== Text
We will follow this textbook in the lectures and use it for reading and assignments:
[http://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Information-Theory-Mark-Wilde/dp/1107034256 Quantum Information Theory], Mark Wilde. (available online [http://arxiv.org/abs/1106.1445 here])
{}{img_left}{qit.jpg}{Picture of Textbook}{66}{100}{http://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Information-Theory-Mark-Wilde/dp/1107034256}
== Optional Resources
Another information theory resource is the popular text by Cover and Thomas:
{}{img_left}{eitcover.jpg}{Picture of Textbook}{66}{100}{http://www.amazon.com/Elements-Information-Theory-Telecommunications-Processing/dp/0471062596}
== Blackboard
[http://blackboard.princeton.edu Blackboard] will not be used for this course.