"Optimal Resilience in Multi-Tier Supply Chains"
Quarterly Journal of Economics 139 (4): 2377-2425 (November 2024)
(with Elhanan Helpman and Alejandro Sabal)
"When Tariffs Disrupt Global Supply Chains"
American Econommic Review vol. 114, no. 4: 988-1029 (April 2024)
(with Elhanan Helpman and Stephen J. Redding)
"Supply Chain Resilience: Should Policy Promote International Diversification or Reshoring?"
Journal of Political Economy vol. 131, no. 12 (December 2023), 3462-96. (with Elhanan Helpman and Hugo Lhuillier)
"Electoral Competition with Fake News"
European Journal of Political Economy vol. 77, 102315 (with Elhanan Helpman)
"The Elusive Explanation for the Declining Labor Share"
Annual Review of Economics vol. 14 (2022), 93-124
(with Ezra Oberfield)
"Identity Politics and Trade Policy"
Review of Economic Studies vol 88, no. 3 (May 2021), 1101-26.
(with Elhanan Helpman)
"The `New' Economics of Trade Agreements: From Trade Liberalization to Regulatory Convergence?"
Econometrica vol 89, no. 1 (Jaunuary 2021), 215-249.
(with Philip McCalman and Robert W. Staiger)