Last updated: 1:37pm, Fri, Sep 21
Lecture: introduction to the course
Lecture: review of classical propositional logic (CPL) proof theory and semantics
Reading (optional): The "natural deduction" system for CPL is developed at length in E. J. Lemmon, Beginning Logic and P. Tomassi, Logic. You can find worked examples of natural deduction proofs at the old PHI 201 website. See Homework 2.
Quiz: CPL proofs and counterexamples (currently planned for Thu, Sep 27)
Lecture: some baby metatheory, and some naive set theory
Reading: PP, Chap 2
Homework: naive set theory
Lecture: what attitude should we have towards CPL?
Lecture: minimal logic, substructural logic, relevance logic
Reading: J. Burgess, "No requirement of relevance"
Homework due: minimal logic proofs
Lecture: specifying a language via semantics
Lecture: languages and logics in general
Lecture: equivalence of languages
Homework: many valued logic
Lecture: why intuitionism?
Lecture: proofs and semantics for intuitionistic logic
Homework: semantics
Lecture: proof theory and semantics for quantum logic
Lecture: the Kochen-Specker theorem
Reading: H. Putnam, "The logic of quantum mechanics"; Matthews, "Impossible things for breakfast"
Homework: proofs and counterexamples
Lecture: normal modal logic / proof theory
Lecture: normal modal logic / semantics
Homework: proofs and counterexamples