Unpublished Papers

Papers Expected to Appear in Print Soon Enough

"Meditations on Second Philosophy: Anti-Nominalist Reflections on Maddy's Semi-Nominalism"

To download in pdf format click here.

"Construction Theorems and Constructive Proofs in Geometry"

A logician's footnote to a classical philosophy / history of mathematics paper by Jonathan Beere and Benjamin Morison.
To download in pdf format click here.

Orphaned Papers

"Parsons and the Structuralist View"

.Invited contribution to a volume on the thought of Charles Parsons that has not materialized. To download in pdf format click here.

"On a Challenge of Parsons"

A very short note on the development of arithmetic in set theory without infinity.
To download in pdf format click here.

Review of Harold Noonan, Kripke and Naming and Necessity

Written to fit a short word limit of the journal that solicited it but then never published or even acknowledged receipt of it.
To download in pdf format click here.

"Satan, Baalzebub, and Peter Geach"

From a conference talk of 2005, on Geach's notion of nominal essence, with a new section on Geach's notion of quasi-name.
To download in pdf format click here.

Further Publications

To download my curriculum vitae in doc format click here or to download in pdf format click here . Electronic files for most items since 1995, and hard-copy reprints of most the items before that date are available on request. (Be sure to indicate to what address you want it sent.) My e-mail address is: jburgess@princeton.edu

Last modified 12 JAN 24.