Table of Contents





19) J. Krim, "Friction on the Atomic Scale," Scientific American, October 1996, 74 - 80

20) Hahner and Spencer, "Rubbing and Scrubbing," Physics Today, September 1998, 22 - 27

21) S. Granick, "Soft Matter in a Tight Spot," Physics Today, July 1999, 26 - 31

22) Marcia D. Lowe, "The Bicycle: Vehicle for a Small Planet," Worldwatch Paper 90 (1989). HE151.L69

23) Hudson, "Bicycle Planning, Policy and Practice," Architectural Press (1982)

24) Deering and McCarl, "Bicycle Transit, Its Planning and Design," Praeger (1975)

25) Untermann, "Accomodating the Pedestrian, Walking and Bicycling," Van Nostrand Reinhold (1984), HT167.U58.1984

26) G. Apps, "The Bicycle Book: The Complete Maintenance Guide," Smitmark (1996)

27) Agnew and Demas, "Preserving the Laetoli Footprints," Scientific American, September (1998)

28) Agnew and Jinshi, "China's Buddhist Treasures at Dunhuang," Scientific American, July (1997)