Table of Contents





List of Texts and Papers

1) A. V. Abbott & D. G. Wilson "Humanpowered Vehicles," Human Kinetics (1995)
TL154.A23 1995

2) C. J. McMahon & C. D. Graham, "Introduction to Engineering Materials: The Bicycle and the Walkman," Merion Books (1992)

3) P. P. Wegener, "What Makes Aeroplanes Fly," Springer Verlag (1991)

4) J. D. Burke, "The Gossamer Condor and Albatross: A Case Study in Aircraft Design,"
AIAA Professional Study Series (1980) TL769.B87

5) McGrail, " Ancient Boats in N.W. Europe, The archeology of water transport to AD 1500,"
Longman (1987), VM55.M36 1987

6) L. Edwards & M. Endean (Eds.), "Manufacturing With Materials," Butterworths (1990)

7) J. E. Gordon, "Structures or Why Things don't Fall Down," Dacapo (1978)

8) Z. Warhaft, "The Engine and the Atmosphere, An Introduction to Thermal-Fluid Engineering" Cambridge University Press (1997). TJ260.W217 1997

9) A. J. Smits, "A Physical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics," Wiley (1999)