Table of Contents





Bicycle Facilities

In this section some aspects of bicycle facility planning will be presented. It will mainly indicate road layouts and features required to facilitate bicycle travel in either a mixed traffic or a dedicated bikepath environment.

The diagram shows the pavement widening required in a 60 foot right of way to provide two bike lanes and one side on-street parking. The layout follows the 'good practice' of having bike travel in the same direction as the motor-vehicle flow and placing the on-street parking next to the curb. The bike lane is on the traffic side of the parked vehicles. The pavement has been widened from a typical 36' width that can accommodate two motor vehicle lanes and no parking. The width of the verge separating the sidewalk from the roadway has been reduced to provide the required pavement width.

From: Pinsof and Musser, "Bicycle Facility Planning," American Planning Association (1995)