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Bernoulli's Equation

The diagram shows a streamtube in a fluid flow that will be assumed to be incompressible, i.e. of constant density. The streamtube is bounded by streamlines and, therefore, fluid particles cannot cross the tube walls.

In considering the flow, matter conservation requires that the mass flow-rate past any cross-section of the tube be the same. Considering the flow in steady state, the mass flow-rate through any area A in unit time will be given by (dm/dt) = ViAir, where Vi is the fluid velocity and the constant density. For the two areas, A1 and A2, shown in the diagram this gives: V1A1r = V2A2r, or (V1/V2) = (A2/A1).

From: Wegener, 
"What Makes Airplanes Fly?" 
Springer-Verlag (1991)
If no external work is done, energy conservation can be applied to the flow. The change in flow velocity will change the kinetic energy per unit volume, (rV2/2), also known as the "dynamic pressure." If the two cross sections are at different heights, z, in the gravitational field the potential energy per unit volume, rgz, will also change. There will also be an internal pressure energy per unit volume, p, that will change if the pressure is different in the two locations. Equating the total energy at locations 1 and 2 then gives:                             (rV12/2) + (rgz1) + p1 = (rV22/2) + (rgz2) + p2. Dividing through by r gives: 
(rV2/2) + (rgz) + p = Constant = p0 (say) for all locations in the flow. This important result is known as Bernoulli's equation.