The Structure of Solids
Lattice Points

· For each of the different unit cell classes of the Bravais lattice, all cells within a class ( P, C, F, I) obey the same constraints of sides and angles.
· All cells within the same class have the same symmetry.
· Lattice points are fractionally assigned to a unit cell:

"Corner" points are assigned 1/8 to a cell 
"Face" points are assigned 1/2 to a cell
"Body" points are assigned 1 to a cell
·The total number of lattice points per cell is computed by adding together the fractions of each point in that cell.
Cell type Points per cell
Primitive cell (P) 8 x 1/8 = 1
Body Centered cell (I) (8 x 1/8) + (1 x 1) = 2
Base Centered cell (C) (8 x 1/8) + (2 x 1/2) = 2
Face Centered cell (F) (8 x 1/8) + (6 x 1/2) = 4