Cubic, Cubic Lattice
The cubic lattice is one of the seven symmetry groups for the Bravais space lattice. The diagram shows the three unit cells associated with this group. For this lattice: a = b = c, a = b = g = 900.

The Primitive cell (P) has fractional lattice points only at the cube corners, for a total of one lattice point per cell. 

The Face-centered-cubic cell (F) has fractional lattice points at the cube corners and at the center of each cube face for a total of four lattice points per cell.

The Body-centered-cubic cell (I) has fractional lattice points at the cube corners and an additional lattice point at the cube center for a total of two lattice points per cell.

From: Moffatt, Pearsall and Wulff, "The Structure and Properties of Materials," Wiley (1964)