Dislocation Density
The dislocation density is a measure of the number of dislocations in a unit volume of a crystalline material. Two methods are used to measure this parameter. In the first, the total length of dislocation line in a unit volume is measured and divided by the volume to give rD = (L / 13) m-2. In the second method the number of dislocation lines crossing unit area in the sample is counted to give: rD = (n/12) m-2. This second method is frequently easier to apply with the dislocations being revealed by chemical etching. A count of the number of etch pits per unit area on the etched surface gives the dislocation density.

The photograph shows the etched surface of a LiF crystal. The high linear etch pit densities corresponds to dislocations associated with grain boundaries, the individual (square pyramid) etch pits correspond to individual dislocations.

From: Amelinckx, " The Direct Observation of Dislocations," Academic Press (1964)