Elastic Modulus, Elastic Deformation
When a material experiences an applied uniaxial tensile stress, s, it displays a strain response, e. In the initial stage of strain, the response is linear in the stress and may be described by Hooke's law: s = E e. E is an elastic constant, Young's modulus. A material exhibiting this behavior over the complete range of elastic deformation is known as a linear elastic material.  Some materials have a non-linear relationship between stress and strain, a behavior exhibited by materials such as a rubber. These are nonlinear elastic materials for which the slope of the stress-strain curve, (ds/de)e, is the strain dependent elastic modulus, the Tangent modulus. 

Elastic deformation continues until the yield stress of the material if it is ductile, after which the material plastically deforms. A brittle material fractures before any plastic deformation occurs and its complete deformation range is elastic.

For an applied shear stress, t, the shear strain, g, is given by: t = G g, where G is the shear modulus. If the material is subject to a hydrostatic pressure, p, the volume strain, (dV/V), is given by: p = K (dV/V), where K is the bulk modulus. In the elastic deformation range, another elastic constant, Poisson's ratio, describes the ratio of lateral to longitudinal strain for a material in uniaxial tension and is given by: n = - (ex / ez), where the z axis is the tensile axis.