Jog, Kink
Jogs and kinks are atomic scale changes in direction of a dislocation line. Jogs are out of the slip plane and kinks lie in the dislocations slip plane. For the edge dislocation shown, the jogs are of opposite sign (direction) and the region between the jogs has moved up from the original slip plane by one atomic spacing. This may be caused by the adsorption of vacancies on the extra half plane.

A slip plane has low energy locations for the dislocation line separated by barriers of higher energy. At 0 K the dislocation will tend to lie in just one minimum energy location. At finite temperature, the dislocation line can move via thermal fluctuations and may occupy several distinct minima along its length. The line section crossing the barriers between these minima is the kink. For both jogs and kinks the Burgers vector  and line vector are those of the dislocation, the line vector being along the direction of the jog or the kink. These features may therefore be of a different type (edge, screw) than the dislocation and may restrict dislocation glide.
                            From: Hull, "Introduction to Dislocations," Pergamon (1965)