Line Vector, t
A dislocation is characterized by two parameters, the Burgers vector, b, that measures the slip displacement associated with the line defect, and the unit line vector, t, that points in the local direction of the dislocation line. As illustrated in the diagram, b, has both constant magnitude and direction at all points on the dislocation line. The line vector, t, always points along the dislocation line in the same direction but changes its orientation as the dislocation line changes orientation.

The nature of the distortion associated with the dislocation depends upon the relative orientation of b and t. When the two vectors are parallel, the dislocation is a screw dislocation, when they are orthogonal the dislocation is an edge dislocation. A mixed dislocation has an arbitrary angle between these two vectors.

These vectors also define the slip plane of the dislocation. The slip plane must contain both b and t. An edge dislocation therefore has a unique slip plane, however, a screw dislocation can slip on any plane that passes through the dislocation line.

From: Moffatt, Pearsall and Wulff, "The Structure and Properties of Materials," Wiley (1964)