Dislocation Pileup
Dislocations can interact through their associated stress fields. A Frank-Reed source generates many dislocations on the same slip plane during a plastic deformation process, and if the leading dislocation from the source is prevented from moving due to the presence of a barrier such as a grain boundary the other dislocations from the source will pile up behind it as shown in the diagram. The barrier is at O and the dislocations all experience the external resolved shear stress, t0, as well as interacting with each other through their own stress fields. If there are (n - 1) dislocations in the pileup, the leading dislocation experiences a stress due to the pileup t = nt0. In addition, the dislocation pileup interacts with the Frank-Reed source through a backstress that increases as n increases. This will prevent the source from forming new dislocation loops as well as preventing the expansion of existing loops. This is an important mechanism in work hardening.
From: Hull,
"Introduction to Dislocations," Pergamon (1965)