A letter from a reader about A brave decision on the LGBT Center

March 23 , 2007

Wow! I just read the Jan. 24 letter from Gaetano Cipriano ’78. I strongly disagree with it.  I do so as a Christian for more than 80 years.

 I am well aware that the Bible contains passages that condemn homosexuality in no uncertain terms. I am also aware that many contemporary biblical scholars and theologians do not see these passages as written in stone, as the eternal word of God not susceptible to change. Understandings of the Bible do change as we become more and more aware of the specific situations in which the various books of the Bible were written. Thus, women no longer have to wear hats in church. We no longer sacrifice animals, nor do we any longer pay any attention to the edict that clothes have to be made of one kind of cloth. The list goes on and on.

Recently there has been an increasing body of scientific study that asserts that homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, and transsexuals are born this way. It is not a way of life that they choose. Far from it! True, some of the actions of some of them are to be greatly deplored – just as are some of the actions of so-called “straight” people. What is eternal is the wondrous revelation that God loves each and every one of us, that God wants us to respond to that love in the way we relate to each other, that the Ten Commandments show us the way to reveal that love, and that justice is to be actively sought.

I salute President Tilghman for her decision to expend the funds and to allocate the resources and facilities necessary so that these often-persecuted people may have a place where they can gather to study, to converse and relax, and to share their stories and support one another. It was a brave and long-overdue decision. It is one more reason to feel great to be “a Tiger.”

Bozeman, Mont.

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