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A letter from an alumnus about the January 29 issue.

February 3, 2003

This is feedback only. I thought the January 29 issue (which I received today) was one of the better issues I have read. For most issues I read the letters, sports, and class notes and occasionally an article. With this issue I read 90% of the contents. Specifically, I loved the selections from the course guide. What a great way to keep current with what's going on academically at Princeton. Thank you.

Larry Stuever '74
Menomonee Falls, WI

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January 29, 2003

Congratulations on the January 29, 2003, issue. You have introduced changes into the hallowed — but no longer weekly — that are impressive. Your approach has been to increase the vitality of the content to this static list of subscribers — an approach that I applaud.

I read the editorial content and all articles cover to cover. Of particular interest, as an undergraduate psych major and a 1954 product of the psychology department's graduate course of studies, was the article on “Thinking About Thinking.” I acknowledge that like most Princeton undergraduates, I instantly jumped to the conclusion that the answer to Problem Four was 100; which proves that the part of my brain that predominated as an undergraduate won out over the other part of my brain that I mistakenly thought took control when I entered graduate school.

Finally, my ex-wife, who was also from the Pennsylvania coal region, sought out Cosmo Iacavazzi ’65 after the final victory over Cornell in the undefeated 1964 season to tell him, as a fellow coal-cracker, how proud she was of him. He thanked her and said that he had gotten similar compliments from a lot of others that day. About 600 friends and relatives from Scranton had come to Princeton that day to cheer on their local hero.

One of my classmates told me that the more outrageous a letter to PAW, the greater the likelihood of it getting printed. My apologies for not following his advice.

Warren J. Wittreich ’51 *54
Bethlehem, Pa.

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