Registration Form for the Princeton Open Table Tennis Tournament, October 31, 2004

The deadline to register has been extended until Friday, October 29 at 8 AM. Afterwards, a $5 late fee for each entered event will apply.

First name
Last name
E-mail address
Mailing address (optional)
The club(s) where you play (if any)

Select the event(s) you would like to play. USATT members may not sign up for the recreational tournament. If you sign up for the recreational tournament, you cannot sign up for any of the other events.

Event name

Entry fee

Starting time

Princeton Open $15 9:30 AM
U-1600 $12 11 AM
Recreational (non-sanctioned) $10 12 PM

If you are a member of the USATT, please provide the following information:

USATT membership number
Your USATT rating

If you are unrated, or if your rating is significantly out-of-date and inaccurate, you may provide an estimate of your playing ability:

If you are signing up for the recreational tournament, your total payment will be $10. If you are signing up for one or both of the sanctioned events, your total payment will be the sum of the event fee(s), the rating fee ($4) and (if applicable) the USATT membership fee. This amount is payable by cash (please try to bring the exact amount) or check (addressed to "Princeton University Table Tennis Club") on the day of the tournament. Click here for more information about current USATT membership rates.

You should receive a confirmation e-mail within a few minutes after submitting this form. If you do not receive the e-mail, contact us at to verify your registration. Please be sure to notify us if you register but subsequently cannot make it to the tournament.

By registering, you agree to:

- abide by all USATT regulations;
- relieve the USATT and the organizers of all liability for potential injury;
- notify the organizers if you have to cancel any of your entries.

We are looking forward to an exciting day of table tennis at Princeton University.