Shahanmeh - All Episodes

1 The Greatness of Gaiumart and the Envy of Ahriman
2 Siyamak is killed by the Div
3 Hushang and Gaiumart go to fight the Black Div
4 The Accession of Hushang and his civilising Arts
5 the Feast of Sada is founded
6 Tahmuras ascends the Throne, invents new Arts, subdues the Divs, and dies
7 The Greatness and Fall of Jamshid
8 The Story of Zahhak and his Father
9 Iblis as Cook
10 The Fortunes of Jamshid go to Wrack
11 The Evil Customs of Zahhak and the Device of Irma'il and Karma'il
12 Zahhak sees Faridun in a Dream
13 The Birth of Faridun
14 Faridun questions his Mother about his Origin
15 The Story of Zahhak and Kawa the Smith
16 Faridun goes to Battle with Zahhak
17 Faridun sees the Sisters of Jamshid
18 The Story of Faridun and the Minister of Zahhak
19 Faridun binds Zahhak
20 Faridun ascends the Throne
21 Faridun sends Jandal to Yaman
22 The King of Yaman answers Jandal
23 the Sons of Faridun go to the King of Yaman
24 Sarv proves the Sons of Faridun by Sorcery
25 Faridun makes Trial of his Sons
26 Faridun divides the World among his Sons
27 Salm grows envious of Iraj
28 Salm and Tur send a Message to Faridun
29 Faridun makes Answer to his Sons
30 Iraj goes to his Brothers
31 Iraj is killed by his Brothers
32 Faridun receives Tidings of the Murder of Iraj
33 a Daughter is Born to Iraj
34 The Birth of Minuchihr
35 Salm and Tur have Tidings of Minuchihr
36 Faridun receives his Sons' Message
37 Faridun makes Answer to his Sons
38 Faridun sends Minuchihr to fight Tur and Salm
39 Minuchihr attacks the Host of Tur
40 Tur is killed by Minuchihr
41 Minunchihr writes to announce his Victory to Faridun
42 Karan takes the Castle of the Alans
43 Kakwi, the Grandson of Zahhak, attacks the Iranians
44 Salm flees and is killed by Minunchihr
45 The Head of Salm is sent to Faridun
46 The Death of Faridun
47 Minunchihr ascends the Throne and makes an Oration
48 The Birth of Zal
49 Sam has a Dream touching the Case of his Son
50 Minunchihr takes Knowledge of the Case of Sam and Zal
51 Zal goes back to Zabulistan
52 Sam gives the Kingdom to Zal
53 Zal visits Mihrab of Kabul
54 Rudaba takes Counsel with her Damsels
55 Rudaba's Damsels go to see Zal
56 the Damsels returns to Rudaba
57 Zal goes to Rudaba
58 Zal consults the Archimages in the Matter of Rudaba
59 Zal writes to Sam to explain the Case
60 Sam consults the Archmages in the Matter of Rudaba
61 Sindukht hears of the Case of Rudaba
62 Mihrab is made aware of his Daughter's Case
63 Minuchihr hears of the Case of Zal and Rudaba
64 Sam comes to Minuchihr
65 Sam goes to fight with Mihrab
66 Zal goes on a Mission to Minuchihr
67 Mihrab is wroth with Sindukht
68 Sam comforts Sindukht
69 Zal comes to Minuchihr with Sam's Letter
70 the Archmages questions Zal
71 Zal answers the Archmages
72 Zal displays his Accomplishment before Minuchihr
73 Minuchihr's Answer to Sam's Letter
74 Zal comes to Sam
75 The Story of the Birth of Rustam
76 Sam comes to see Rustam
77 Rustam kills the White Elephant
78 Rustam go to Mount Sipand
79 Rustam writes a Letter announcing his Victory to Zal
80 The Letter of Zal to Sam
81 Minuchihr's last Counsels to his Son
82 Naudar succeeds to the Throne
83 Pashang hears of the Death of Minuchihr
84 Afrasiyab comes to the Land of Iran
85 Barman and Kubad fight together and how Kubad is killed
86 Afrasiyab fights with Naudar the second Time
87 Naudar fights with Afrasiyab the third Time
88 Naudar is taken by Afrasiyab
89 Wisa finds his Son that had been killed
90 Shamasas and Khazarwan invade Zabulistan
91 Zal comes to help Mihrab
92 Naudar is killed by Afrasiyab
93 Zal has Tidings of the Death of Naudar
94 Ighriras is killed by his Brother
95 Zav is elected Shah
96 Garshasp succeeds to the Throne and dies, and how Afrasiyab invades Iran
97 Rustam catches Rakhsh
98 Zal leads the Host against Afrasiyab
99 Rustam brings Kai Kubad from Mount Alburz
100 Kai Kubad ascends the Throne and wars against Turan
101 Rustam fights with Afrasiyab
102 Afrasiyab comes to his Father
103 Pashang sues to Kai Kubad for Peace
104 Kai Kubad comes to Istakhr of Pars
105 The Prelude
106 Kaus sits upon the Throne and is tempted to invade Mazandaran
107 Zal gives Counsel to Kaus
108 Kaus goes to Mazandaran
109 The Message of Kai Kaus to Zal and Rustam
110 First Course. Rakhsh fights a Lion
111 Second Course. Rustam finds a Spring
112 Third Course. Rustam fights a Dragon
113 Fourth Course. Rustam kills a Witch
114 Fifth Course. Rustam takes Ulad captive
115 Sixth Course. Rustam fights with Div Arzhang
116 Seventh Course. Rustam kills the White Div
117 Kaus writes to the King of Mazandaran
118 Rustam goes on an Embassy to the King of Mazandaran
119 Kaus fights with the King of Mazandaran
120 Kaus returns to the Land of Iran and farewells Rustam
121 Kai Kaus wars with the King of Hamavaran
122 Kai Kaus asks to Wife Sudaba, the Daughter of the King of Hamavaran
123 the King of Hamavaran makes Kaus Prisoner
124 Afrasiyab invades the Land of Iran
125 Rustam sends a Message to the King of Hamavaran
126 Rustam fights with Three Kings and delivered Kaus
127 Kaus sends a Message to Afrasiyab
128 Kaus orders the World
129 Kaus, beguiled by Iblis, ascended the Sky
130 Rustam brought back Kaus
131 Rustam goes with the Seven Warriors to the Hunting-ground of Afrasiyab
132 Rustam fights with the Turanians
133 Pilsam fights with the Iranians
134 Afrasiyab flees from the Battlefield
135 The Prelude
136 Rustam goes to the Chace
137 Rustam comes to the City of Samangan
138 Tahmina, the Daughter of the King of Samangan, comes to Rustam
139 The Birth of Suhrab
140 Suhrab chose his Charger
141 Afrasiyab sends Barman and Human to Suhrab
142 Suhrab comes to White Castle
143 Suhrab fights with Gurdafrid
144 The Letter of Gazhdaham to Kaus
145 Suhrab takes White Castle
146 Kaus writes to Rustam and summons him from Zabulistan
147 Kaus is wroth with Rustam
148 Kaus and Rustam lead forth the Host
149 Rustam kills Zhanda Razm
150 Suhrab asks Hajir the Names of the Chiefs of Iran
151 Suhrab attacks the Army of Kaus
152 Rustam fights with Suhrab
153 Rustam and Suhrab return to Camp
154 Suhrab overthrows Rustam
155 Suhrab is killed by Rustam
156 Rustam asks Kaus for an Elixir
157 Rustam laments for Suhrab
158 Rustam returns to Zabulistan
159 Suhrab's Mother receives the Tidings of his Death
160 The Prelude
161 The Story of the Mother of Siyawush
162 The Birth of Siyawush
163 Siyawush arrives from Zabulistan
164 The Death of the Mother of Siyawush
165 Sudaba falls in Love with Siyawush
166 Siyawush visits Sudaba
167 Siyawush visits the Bower the second Time
168 Siyawush visits the Bower the third Time
169 Sudaba beguiles Kaus
170 Sudaba and a Sorceress devise a Scheme
171 Kaus inquires into the Matter of the Babes
172 Siyawush passes through the Fire
173 Siyawush begs Sudaba's Life of his Father
174 Kaus hears of the Coming of Afrasiyab
175 Siyawush leads forth the Host
176 The Letter of Siyawush to Kai Kaus
177 The Answer of Kai Kaus to the Letter of Siyawush
178 Afrasiyab has a Dream and is afraid
179 Afrasiyab inquires of the Sages concerning his Dream
180 Afrasiyab takes Counsel with the Nobles
181 Garsiwaz comes to Siyawush
182 Siyawush makes a Treaty with Afrasiyab
183 Siyawush sends Rustam to Kaus
184 Rustam gives the Message to Kaus
185 Kaus sends Rustam to Sistan
186 The Answer of Kaus to the Letter of Siyawush
187 Siyawush takes Counsel with Bahram and Zanga
188 Zanga goes to Afrasiyab
189 Afrasiyab writes to Siyawush
190 Siyawush gives up the Host to Bahram
191 The Interview of Siyawush with Afrasiyab
192 Siyawush displays his Prowess before Afrasiyab
193 Afrasiyab and Siyawush go to the Chase
194 Piran gives his Daughter to Siyawush
195 Piran speaks to Siyawush about Farangis
196 Piran speaks with Afrasiyab
197 The Wedding of Farangis and Siyawush
198 Afrasiyab bestows a Province on Siyawush
199 Siyawush builds Gang-dizh
200 Siyawush discourses with Piran about the Future
201 Afrasiyab sends Piran into the Provinces
202 Siyawush builds Siyawushgird
203 Piran visits Siyawushgird
204 Afrasiyab sends Garsiwaz to Siyawush
205 The Birth of Farud, the Son of Siyawush
206 Siyawush plays at Polo
207 Garsiwaz returns and speaks Evil before Afrasiyab
208 Garsiwaz returns to Siyawush
209 The Letter of Siyawush to Afrasiyab
210 Afrasiyab comes to fight with Siyawush
211 Siyawush has a Dream
212 Siyawush takes Counsel with Bahram and Zanga
213 Siyeawush is taken by Afrasiyab
214 Farangis bewails herself before Afrasiyab
215 Siyawush is killed by Gurwi
216 Piran saves Farangis
217 The Birth of Kai Khusrau
218 Piran entrusts Kai Khusrau to the Shepherds
219 Piran brings Kai Khusrau before Afrasiyab
220 Kai Khusrau goes to Siyawushgird
221 Firdausi's Lament over his old Age
222 Kaus hears of the Case of Siyawush
223 Rustam comes to Kaus
224 Rustam kills Sudaba and led forth the Host
225 Faramarz kills Warazad
226 Surkha leads his Troops to fight with Rustam
227 Afrasiyab leads forth the Host to avenge his Son
228 Pilsam is killed by Rustam
229 Afrasiyab flees from Rustam
230 Afrasiyab sends Kai Khusrau to Khutan
231 Rustam reigns over Turan for Seven Years
232 Zawara goes to the Hunting-ground of Siyawush
233 Rustam harries the Land of Turan
234 Rustam returns to Iran
235 Gudarz has a Dream of Kai Khusrau
236 Giv goes to Tuan in Quest of Kai Khusrau
237 The Finding of Kai Khusrau
238 Giv and Kai Khusrau go to Siyawushgird
239 Kai Khusrau wins Bihzad
240 Farangis goes with Kai Khusrau and Giv to Iran
241 Kulbad and Nastihan flee from Giv
242 Piran pursues Kai Khusrau
243 Piran contends with Giv
244 Piran is taken by Giv
245 Farangis deliveres Piran from Giv
246 Afrasiyab finds Piran on the Way
247 Giv disputes with the Toll-man
248 Kai Khusrau crosses the Jihun
249 Kai Khusrau comes to Ispahan
250 Kai Khusrau comes to Kaus
251 Tus refuses Allegiance to Kai Khusrau
252 Gudarz is wroth with Tus
253 Gudarz and Tus go before Kaus on the Matter of the Kingship
254 Tus and Fariburz go to the Castle of Bahman and comes back foiled
255 Kai Khusrau goes to the Castle of Bahman and takes it
256 Kai Khusrau returns in Triumph
257 Kaus sets Khusrau upon the Throne of Kingship
258 The Prelude
259 the Nobles do Homage to Kai Khusrau
260 Kai Khusrau makes a Progress through his Realm
261 Kai Khusrau swears to Kai Kaus to take Vengeance on Afrasiyab
262 Kai Khusrau numberes the Paladins
263 Kai Khusrau bestowes Treasures upon the Paladins
264 Kai Khusrau sends Rustam to the Land of Hind
265 Kai Khusrau reviewes the Host
266 The Prelude
267 Tus goes to Turkistan
268 Farud hears of the Coming of Tus
269 Farud and Tukhar go to view the Host
270 Bahram comes to Farud upon the Mountain
271 Bahram goes back to Tus
272 Rivniz is killed by Farud
273 Zarasp is killed by Farud
274 Tus fights with Farud
275 Giv fights with Farud
276 Bizhan fights with Farud
277 Farud is killed
278 Jarira kills herself
279 Tus leads the Host to the Kasa Rud, and how Palashan is killed by Bizhan
280 the Iranians suffer in a Snowstorm
281 Bahram capturs Kabuda
282 the Iranians fights with Tazhav
283 Afrasiyab has Tidings of Tus and his Host
284 Piran makes a Night-attack on the Iranians
285 Kai Khusrau recalls Tus
286 Fariburz asks a Truce of Piran
287 the Iranians are defeated by the Turkmans
288 Bahram returns to look for his Whip on the Battlefield
289 Bahram is killed by Tazhav
290 Giv kills Tazhav in Revenge for Bahram
291 the Iranians go back to Khusrau
292 The Prelude
293 Khusrau reviles Tus
294 Khusrau pardons the Iranians
295 Khusrau sends Tus to Turan
296 The Message of Piran to the Army of Iran
297 Afrasiyab sends an Army to Piran
298 Tus kills Arzhang
299 Human fights with Tus
300 the Iranians and Turanians fight the second Time
301 the Turanians use Sorcery against the Host of Iran
302 the Iranians retreat to Mount Hamawan
303 the Host of Turan beleaguers Mount Hamawan
304 Piran goes in Pursuit of the Iranians to Mount Hamavan
305 the Iranians make a Night-attack
306 Kai Khusrau has Tidings of his Host
307 Fariburz asks to Wife Farangis, the Mother of Kai Khusrau
308 Tus sees Siyawush in a Dream
309 Afrasiyab sends the Khan and Kamus to help Piran
310 the Khan of Chin comes to Hamawan
311 the Iranians take Counsel how to act
312 Gudarz has Tidings of the Coming of Rustam
313 the Khan of Chin goes to reconnoitre the Army of Iran
314 Fariburz reaches Mount Hamawan
315 Piran takes Counsel with the Khan of Chin
316 Giv and Tus fights with Kamus
317 The Coming of Rustam
318 the Iranians and Turanians array their Hosts
319 Rustam fights with Ashkabus
320 Piran holds Converse concerning the Coming of Rustam
321 the Iranians and Turanians set the Battle in Array
322 Alwa is killed by Kamus
323 Kamus is killed by Rustam
324 the Khan of Chin has Tidings of the Slaying of Kamus
325 How Chingish fares with Rustam
326 the Khan of Chin sends Human to Rustam
327 Piran takes Counsel with Human and the Khan
328 Piran comes to Rustam
329 the Turanians take Counsel for Battle with the Iranians
330 Rustam harangues his Troops
331 the Iranians and Turanians set the Battle in Array
332 Rustam reproaches Piran
333 the Battle is joined
334 Shangul fights with Rustam and fled
335 Rustam fights with Sawa
336 Rustam kills Gahar of Gahan
337 the Khan is taken Prisoner
338 the Host of the Turanians is defeated
339 Rustam divides the Spoil
340 Rustam writes a Letter to Kai Khusrau
341 Kai Khusrau makes Answer to Rustam's Letter
342 Afrasiyab has Tidings of the Case of his Army
343 Rustam fights with Kafur the Man-eater
344 Afrasiyab has Tidings of the Coming of Rustam
345 Afrasiyab's Letter to Puladwand
346 Puladwand fights with Giv and Tus
347 Rustam fights with Puladwand
348 The Wrestling of Rustam and Puladwand
349 Afrasiyab flees from Rustam
350 Rustam returns to the Court of the Shah
351 Rustam goes back to Sistan
352 The Prelude
353 Khusrau summons Rustam to fight the Div Akwan
354 Rustam goes in Quest of the Div
355 the Div Akwan flings Rustam into the Sea
356 Afrasiyab comes to inspect his Steeds, and how Rustam kills the Div Akwan
357 Rustam goes back to the Land of Iran
358 The Prelude
359 the Iranians appeal to Khusrau
360 Bizhan goes to fight the wild Boars
361 Gurgin beguiles Bizhan
362 Bizhan goes to see Manizha, Daughter of Afrasiyab
363 Bizhan goes to the Tent of Manizha
364 Manizha carries off Bizhan to her Palace
365 Garsiwaz brings Bizhan before Afrasiyab
366 Piran begs Bizhan's Life from Afrasiyab
367 Afrasiyab puts Bizhan in Ward
368 Gurgin returns to Iran and lies about Bizhan
369 Giv brings Gurgin before Khusrau
370 Kai Khusrau sees Bizhan in the Cup that shows the World
371 Khusrau writes a Letter to Rustam
372 Giv bears the Letter of Kai Khusrau to Rustam
373 Rustam makes a Feast for Giv
374 Rustam comes to Khusrau
375 Kai Khusrau holds Feast with the Paladins
376 Rustam makes Petition for Gurgin to the Shah
377 Rustam equips his Escort
378 Rustam goes to the City of Khutan to Piran
379 Manizha comes before Rustam
380 Bizhan hears of the Coming of Rustam
381 Rustam takes Bizhan out of the Pit
382 Rustam attacks the Palace of Afrasiyab by Night
383 Afrasiyab goes to fight with Rustam
384 Afrasiyab is defeated by the Iranians
385 Rustam returns to Kai Khusrau
386 Kai Khusrau makes a Feast
387 The Prelude
388 Afrasiyab calls together his Host
389 Kai Khusrau sends Gudarz to fight the Turanians
390 Giv is makes the Bearer of Overtures from Gudarz to Piran
391 Giv visits Piran at Wisagird
392 The Arraying of the Hosts
393 Bizhan goes to Giv to urge him to fight
394 Human asks Piran for leave to fight
395 Human challenges Ruhham
396 Human challenges Fariburz
397 Human challenges Gudarz
398 Bizhan hears of the Doings of Human
399 Giv gives the Mail of Siyawush to Bizhan
400 Human comes to Battle with Bizhan
401 Human is killed by Bizhan
402 Nastihan makes a Night-attack and is killed
403 Gudarz asks Aid of Khusrau
404 The Answer of Khusrau to the Letter of Gudarz
405 Khusrau arrays the Host
406 Piran writes to Gudarz, Son of Kishwad
407 The Answer of Gudarz to the Letter of Piran
408 Piran asks Succour from Afrasiyab
409 The Answer of Afrasiyab to the Letter of Piran
410 the Iranians and Turanians fight a pitched Battle
411 Giv fights with Piran and Giv's Horse jibbed
412 Gudarz and Piran arrange a Battle of Eleven Rukhs
413 Piran haranques his Men of Name
414 Gudarz and Piran chose the Warriors for the Battle of the Eleven Rukhs
415 Fariburz fights with Kulbad
416 Giv fights with Gurwi
417 Guraza fights with Siyamak
418 Furuhil fights with Zangula
419 Ruhham fights with Barman
420 Bizhan fights with Ruin
421 Hajir fights with Sipahram
422 Gurgin fights with Andariman
423 Barta fights with Kuhram
424 Zanga, Son of Shawaran, fights with Akhast
425 Gudarz fights with Piran
426 Gudarz returns to the Warriors of Iran
427 Lahhak and Farshidward bewails Piran
428 Lahhak and Farshidward take the Road to Turan
429 Gustaham pursues Lahhak and Farshidward
430 Bizhan follows after Gustaham
431 Lahhak and Farshid ward are killed by Gustaham
432 Bizhan sees Gustaham in the Mead
433 Kai Khusrau buids a Charnel-house for Piran and for the other Chiefs of Turan, and how he kills Gurwi the Son of Zira
434 the Turanians ask Quarter of Kai Khusrau
435 Bizhan returns with Gustaham
436 In Praise of Sultan Mahmud
437 Kai Khusrau arrays his Host against Afrasiyab
438 Afrasiyab hears that Piran is killed and that Kai Khusrau has arrayed his Host
439 Kai Khusrau has Tidings that Afrasiyab advances to fight with him
440 Shida comes before his Father Afrasiyab
441 Afrasiyab sends an Embassage to Kai Khusrau
442 Kai Khusrau sends an Answer to Afrasiyab
443 Kai Khusrau fights with Shida the Son of Afrasiyab
444 Shada is killed by Khusrau
445 the Battle is joined between the Hosts
446 Afrasiyab flees
447 Kai Khusrau announces his Victory to Kaus
448 Afrasiyab goes to Gang-bihisht
449 Khusrau crossed the Jihun
450 Kai Khusrau fights with Afrasiyab the second Time
451 Afrasiyab takes Refuge in Gang-bihisht
452 The Letter of Afrasiyab to the Faghfur of Chin
453 Kai Khusrau arrives before Gang-bihisht
454 Jahn comes to Kai Khusrau with an Embassage from Afrasiyab
455 Kai Khusrau makes Answer to Jahn
456 Kai Khusrau fights with Afrasiyab and takes Gang-bihisht
457 Afrasiyab flees from Gang-bihisht
458 Kai Khusrau gives Quarter to the Family of Afrasiyab
459 Kai Khusrau exhorts the Iranians
460 Kai Khusrau writes a Letter with the News of his Victory to Kai Kaus
461 Kai Khusrau has Tidings of the Coming of Afrasiyab with the Host of the Faghfur
462 The Message of Afrasiyab to Kai Khusrau
463 the Iranians and Turanians fights
464 Afrasiyab makes a Night-attack upon Kai Khusrau and is defeated
465 the Faghfur of Chin sends an Envoy to Kai Khusrau
466 Afrasiyab crosses the Sea
467 Kai Khusrau sends the Prisoners and Treasure to Kaus with a Letter
468 The Answer of Shah Kaus to the Letter of Khusrau
469 The Embassage of Kai Khusrau to the Faghfur of Chin and the King of Makran
470 Kai Khusrau fights with the King of Makran and how the King of Makran is killed
471 Kai Khusrau crosses the Sea
472 Kai Khusrau reaches Gang-dizh
473 Kai Khusrau returns from Gang-dizh to Siyawushgird
474 Kai Khusrau returns from Turan to the Land of Iran
475 Kai Khusrau returns to his Grandsire
476 Afrasiyab is captured by Hum of the Race of Faridun
477 Afrasiyab escapes from Hum
478 Kaus and Khusrau come to Hum
479 Afrasiyab is taken the second Time and how he and Garsiwaz are killed
480 Kaus and Khusrau returns to Pars
481 The Death of Kai Kaus
482 Kai Khusrau falls into Melancholy
483 the Nobles inquire why Khusrau has closed his Court
484 the Iranians summon Zal and Rustam
485 Kai Khusrau sees Surush in a Dream
486 Zal admonishes Kai Khusrau
487 Kai Khusrau answers Zal
488 Zal rebukes Kai Khusrau
489 Kai Khusrau answers and how Zal excuses himself
490 Kai Khusrau gives his last Charge to the Iranians
491 Kai Khusrau appoints Gudarz to be his Mandatary
492 Zal asks of Kai Khusrau a Patent for Rustam
493 Kai Khusrau gives a Patent to Giv
494 Kai Khusrai gives a Patent to Tus
495 Kai Khusrau gives the Kingship to Luhrasp
496 Kai Khusrau farewells his Women
497 Kai Khusrau goes to the Mountains and vanishes in the Snow
498 the Paladins are lost in the Snow
499 Luhrasp has Tidings of the Disappearance of Kai Khusrau
500 Luhrasp builds a Fire-temple at Balkh
501 Gushtasp quits Luhrasp in wrath
502 Gushtasp returns with Zarir
503 Gushtasp sets off for Rum
504 Gushtasp arrives in Rum
505 a Village-chief entertains Gushtasp
506 The Story of Katayun the Daughter of C?sar
507 C?sar gsves Katayun to Gushtasp
508 Mirin asks in Marriage C?sar's second Daughter
509 Gushtasp kills the Wolf
510 Ahran asks C?sar's third Daughter in Marriage
511 Gushtasp kills the Dragon and how C?sar gsves his Daughter to Ahran
512 Gushtasp displays his Prowess on the Riding-ground
513 C?sar writes to Ilyas and demands Tribute
514 Gushtasp fights with Ilyas and kills him
515 C?sar demands from Luhrasp Tribute for Iran
516 Zarir carries a Message from Luhrasp to C?sar
517 Gushtasp returns with Zarir to the Land of Iran and receives the Throne from Luhrasp
518 Firdausi sees Dakiki in a Dream
519 Luhrasp goes to Balkh and how Gushtasp sits upon the Throne
520 Zarduhsht appears and how Gushtasp accepts his Evangel
521 Gushtasp refuses to Arjasp the Tribute for Iran
522 Arjasp writes a Letter to Gushtasp
523 Arjasp sends Envoys to Gushtasp
524 Zarir makes Answer to Arjasp
525 the Envoys return to Arjasp with the Letter of Gushtasp
526 Gushtasp assembles his Troops
527 Jamasp foretells the Issue of the Battle to Gushtasp
528 Gushtasp and Arjasp array their Hosts
529 The Beginning of the Battle between the Iranians and Turanians, and how Ardshir, Shiru, and Shidasp are killed
530 Girami, Jamasp's Son, and Nivzar are killed
531 Zarir, the Brother of Gushtasp, is killed by Bidirafsh
532 Asfandiyar hears of the Slaying of Zarir
533 Asfandiyar goes to battle with Arjasp
534 Nastur and Asfandiyar kill Bidirafsh
535 Arjasp flees from the Battle
536 the Turkmans receive Quarter from Asfandiyar
537 Gushtasp returns to Balkh
538 Gushtasp sends Asfandiyar to all the Provinces, and how the Folk receive from him the good Religion
539 Gurazm speaks Evil of Asfandiyar
540 Jamasp comes to Asfandiyar
541 Gushtasp imprisons Asfandiyar
542 Gushtasp goes to Sistan and how Arjasp arrays his Host the second Time
543 The Words of Dakiki being ended, Firdausi resumes, praising Shah Mahmud and criticising Dakiki
544 the Host of Arjasp march to Balkh and how Luhrasp is killed
545 Gushtasp hears of the Slaying of Luhrasp and leads his Army toward Balkh
546 Gushtasp is put to Flight by Arjasp
547 Jamasp visits Asfandiyar
548 Asfandiyar sees his Brother Farshidward
549 Asfandiyar comes to the Mountain to Gushtasp
550 Gushtasp sends Asfandiyar the second Time to fight Arjasp
551 The First Stage Asfandiyar kills two Wolves
552 The Second Stage Asfandiyar kills two Lions
553 The Third Stage Asfandiyar kills a Dragon
554 The Fourth Stage Asfandiyar kills a Witch
555 The Fifth Stage Asfandiyar kills the Simurgh
556 The Sixth Stage Asfandiyar passes through the Snow
557 The Seventh Stage Asfandiyar crosses the River and kills Gurgsar
558 Asfandiyar go to the Brazen Hold in the Guise of a Merchant
559 the Sisters of Asfandiyar recognises him
560 Bishutan assaults the Brazen Hold
561 Asfandiyar kills Arjasp
562 Asfandiyar kills Kuhram
563 Asfandiyar writes a Letter to Gushtasp and his Answer
564 Asfandiyar returns to Gushtasp
565 Asfandiyar ambitions the Throne and how Gushtasp takes Counsel with the Astrologers
566 Asfandiyar demands the Kingdom from his Father
567 Gushtasp answers his Son
568 Katayun counsels Asfandiyar
569 Asfandiyar leads a Host to Zabul
570 Asfandiyar sends Bahman to Rustam
571 Bahman comes to Zal
572 Bahman gives the Message to Rustam
573 Rustam makes Answer to Asfandiyar
574 Bahman returns
575 The Meeting of Rustam and Asfandiyar
576 Asfandiyar summons not Rustam to the Feast
577 Asfandiyar excuses himself for not summoning Rustam to the Feast
578 Asfandiyar speakes Shame of the Race of Rustam
579 Rustam answers Asfandiyar, praising his own Race and his Deeds
580 Asfandiyar boasts of his Ancestry
581 Rustam vaunts his Valour
582 Rustam drinks Wine with Asfandiyar
583 Rustam returns to his Palace
584 Zal counsells Rustam
585 Rustam fights with Asfandiyar
586 the Sons of Asfandiyar are killed by Zawara and Faramarz
587 Rustam flees to the Heights
588 Rustam takes Counsel with his Kin
589 the Simurgh succours Rustam
590 Rustam goes back to fight Asfandiyar
591 Rustam shots Asfandiyar in the Eyes with an Arrow
592 Asfandiyar tells his last Wishes to Rustam
593 Bishutan bears the Coffin of Asfandiyar to Gushtasp
594 Rustam sends Bahman back to Iran
595 The Prelude
596 Rustam goes to Kabul on behalf of his Brother Shaghad
597 the King of Kabul digs Pits in the Hunting-ground and how Rustam and Zawara fall therein
598 Rustam kills Shaghad and dies
599 Zal receives News of the Slaying of Rustam and Zawara, and how Faramarz brings their Coffins and sets them in the Charnel-house
600 Faramarz leads an Army to avenge Rustam and kills the King of Kabul
601 Rudaba loses her Wits through mourning for Rustam
602 Gushtasp gives the Kingdom to Bahman and dies
603 Bahman seeks Revenge for the Death of Asfandiyar
604 Bahman puts Zal in Bonds
605 Faramarz fights with Bahman and is put to Death
606 Bahman releases Zal and returns to Iran
607 Bahman marries his own daughter Humai and appoints his Successor
608 Humai casts away her son Darab on the River Farat in an Ark
609 the Launderer brings up Darab
610 Darab questions the Launderer's Wife about his Parentage, and fights against the Rumans
611 Rashnawad learns the Case of Darab
612 Darab fights against the Host of Rum
613 Humai recognises her Son
614 Humai seats Darab upon the Throne
615 Darab builds the City of Darabgird
616 Darab defeats the Host of Shu'ib
617 Darab fights with Failakus and takes to Wife his Daughter
618 Darab sends back the Daughter of Failakus to Rum, and how Sikandar is born
619 Dara harangs the Chiefs and takes Order for the Realm
620 The Death of Failakus and Sikandar's Accession to the Throne
621 Sikandar goes as his own Ambassador to Dara
622 Dara fights with Sikandar and is worsted
623 Dara fights with Sikandar the second Time
624 Sikandar fights with Dara the third Time, and how Dara flees to Kirman
625 Dara writes to Sikandar to propose Peace
626 Dara is killed by his Ministers
627 Dara tells his last Wishes to Sikandar and dies
628 Sikandar writes to the Nobles of Iran
629 Sikandar sits upon the Throne of Iran
630 Sikandar writes to Dilarai and Rushanak, the Wife and Daughter of Dara, touching the Nuptials of Rushanak
631 Dilarai answers the Letter of Sikandar
632 Sikandar sends his Mother, Nahid, to fetch Rushanak, and how he marries her
633 Kaid of Hind has a Dream, and how Mihran interprets it
634 Sikandar marches against Kaid of Hind and writes a Letter to him
635 Kaid of Hind answers Sikandar's Letter and announces the Sending of the Four Wonders
636 Sikandar sends back the Messenger to receive the Four Wonders
637 Sikandar sends Ten Sages with a Letter to inspect the Four Wonders of Kaid of Hind
638 the Ten Sages bring the Daughter, the Cup, the Leech, and the Sage, from Kaid of Hind to Sikandar
639 Sikandar tests the Sage, the Leech, and the Cup sent by Kaid of Hind
640 Sikandar leads a Host against Fur of Hind and writes a Letter to him
641 Fur answers the Letter of Sikandar
642 Sikandar arrays his Host to fight with Fur of Hind and makes iron Steeds and Riders filled with Naphtha
643 the Host of Sikandar fights with the Host of Fur, how Fur is killed by Sikandar, and how Sikandar seats Sawurg upon the Throne of Fur
644 Sikandar goes on a Pilgrimage to the House of the Kaaba
645 Sikandar leads his troops from Judda toward Misr
646 Sikandar's Letter to Kaidafa, Queen of Andalus, and her Answer
647 Sikandar leads his Troops to Andalus is and takes the Hold of King Faryan
648 Sikandar goes as an Ambassador to Kaidafa and is recognised by her
649 Kaidafa counsels Sikandar
650 Tainush, the Son of Kaidafa, is wroth with Sikandar, and how Sikandar takes Precaution against him
651 Sikandar makes a Compact with Kaidafa and returns to his Troops
652 Sikandar goes to the Country of the Brahmans, inquires into their Mysteries, and receives an Answer
653 Sikandar comes to the Western Sea and sees Wonders
654 Sikandar reaches the Land of Habash, fights, and is Victorious
655 Sikandar reaches the Land of the Narmpai, how he fights and is victorious, how he kills a Dragon, ascends a Mountain, and is forewarned of his own Death
656 Sikandar reaches the City of Women, named Harum, and sees Wonders there
657 Sikandar goes into the Gloom to seek the Water of Life and speaks with Birds and Israfil
658 Sikandar goes to the East, sees Wonders, and builds a Barrier against Yajuj and Majuj
659 Sikandar sees a Corpse in a Palace of Jewels on the Top of a Mountain, and the Speaking Tree, and how he is warned of his Death
660 Sikandar marches his Army to Chin, carries his own Letter to Faghfur, and returns to his Army with the Answer
661 Sikandar returns from Chin, makes war against the Sindians, and goes to Yaman
662 Sikandar marches toward Babil and finds the Treasure of Kai Khusrau in a City
663 Sikandar goes to the City of Babil, writes a Letter to Arastalis, and receives his Answer
664 Sikandar's Letter to his Mother
665 Sikandar's Life ends and how they carry his Coffin to Iskandariya
666 the Sages and other Folk lament Sikandar
667 the Mother and Wife of Sikandar lament him
668 Firdausi's Complaint of the Sky and Appeal to God
669 the Tribal Kings
670 Papak sees Sasan in a Dream and gives him a Daughter in Marriage
671 Ardshir Papakan is born, and of his Case with Ardawan
672 Ardawan's Slave-girl falls in Love with Ardshir and how he flees with her to Pars
673 Ardawan hears of the Flight of Ardshir with the Damsel and pursues them
674 Ardawan writes to Bahman his Son, to take Ardshir
675 Tabak helps Ardshir, fights with Bahman, and conquers him
676 Ardawan leads forth his Host for Battle with Ardshir and is killed
677 Ardshir fights with the Kurds and is defeated
678 Ardshir attacks the Kurds by Night and overthrows them
679 The Story of Haftwad and the Case of the Worm
680 Ardshir fights with Haftwad and is worsted
681 Mihrak of Jahram sacks the Palace of Ardshir
682 Ardshir hears about the Worm and makes Shift to kill it
683 Ardshir kills Haftwad
684 Ardshir Papakan sits upon the Throne in Baghdad
685 The Case of Ardshir and the Daughter of Ardawan
686 Shapur is born to Ardshir by the Daughter of Ardawan, and how after seven Years Ardshir hears of his Son and acknowledges him
687 Ardshir, to find out the Future of his Reign, sends to Kaid of Hind, and Kaid's Reply
688 The Adventure of Shapur with the Daughter of Mihrak, and his taking her to Wife
689 Urmuzd is born to Shapur by the Daughter of Mihrak
690 Of the Wisdom of Ardshir and his Method of administering the Realm
691 Kharrad praises Ardshir
692 On the Faithlessness of Fortune
693 Ardshir charges Shapur and dies
694 Thanksgiving to the Maker and Praise of Mahmud, the great King
695 Shapur sits upon the Throne and delivers a Charge to the Chieftains
696 Shapur fights with the Rumans, how Bazanush, their General, is taken
697 Prisoner, and how C?sar makes Peace with Shapur
698 Shapur seats Urmuzd upon the Throne and dies
699 Urmuzd addresses the Assembly
700 Urmuzd gives up the Throne to Bahram, charges him, and dies
701 Bahram succeedes to the Throne, charges the Nobles, and dies
702 Bahram, Son of Bahram, ascendes the Throne, charges the Nobles, and dies
703 Bahram Bahramiyan succeeded to the Throne and dies four Months after
704 Narsi succeeds to the Throne, counsels his Son, and dies
705 Urmuzd, Son of Narsi, ascends the Throne, and how his Life ends
706 Shapur, Son of Urmuzd is born forty Days after his Father's Death, and how he is crowned
707 Tair, the Arab, carries off the Daughter of Narsi and marries her,
708 how Shapur goes to Yaman to fight him, and how his Daughter falls in Love with Shapur
709 Tair is bemused by his Daughter and how she comes to Shapur, who takes the Hold and kills Tair
710 Shapur goes disguised as a Merchant to Rum, how he is taken by C?sar, and how C?sar ravages the Land of Iran
711 the Damsel takes Measures to free Shapur, and how he flees with her from Rum
712 the High Priest and the Captain of the Host, hearing of Shapur's Arrival, goes to him with the Troops
713 Shapur makes a Night-attack, and how C?sar is taken
714 Shapur goes to Rum and fights with Yanus, C?sar's Brother
715 the Rumans place Bazanush upon the Throne of C?sar; his Letter to Shapur and the Answer
716 Bazanush goes to Shapur and makes a Treaty of Peace
717 Mani, the Painter, comes to Shapur with Pretence of being a Prophet, and is killed
718 Shapur makes his Brother Ardshir Regent till his own Son should grow up, and how his Days ended
719 Ardshir sits upon the Throne and gives a Charge to the Officers
720 Shapur, Son of Shapur, sits upon the Throne and gives a Charge to the Officers
721 Bahram sits upon the Throne and gives a Charge to the Officers
722 Yazdagird sits upon the Throne and gives a Charge to the Officers
723 Bahram Gur, Son of Yazdagird, is born and sends to be brought up by Mumzir, the Arab
724 Bahram goes to the Chase with a Damsel and how he displays his Accomplishment
725 Bahram showes his Accomplishment in the Chase before Munzir
726 Bahram comes with Nu'man to Yazdagird
727 Yazdagird puts Bahram in Bonds, how he escapes by the good Offices of Tainush, and how he returns to Munzir
728 Yazdagird, by the Advice of an Archmage, goes to the Spring of Sav and is killed by a Water-horse
729 the Iranians take Counsel and placed Khusrau upon the Throne
730 Bahram Gur hears of the Death of his Father and invades Iran
731 the Iranians hear of Bahram's Pillaging and writes to Munzir, and how he replies
732 Bahram Gur arrives at Jahram with the Host of Munzir, and how the Iranians go out to him
733 Bahram Gur harangs Iranians as to his Fitness to rule, how they reject him, but promis him the Kingship if he would take the Crown from between the Lions
734 Bahram and Khusrau go to the Waste, and how Bahram kills the Lions and takes his Seat upon the Throne
735 Bahram and Khusrau go to the Waste, and Bahram kills the Lions and takes his Seat upon the Throne
736 Bahram ascends the Throne, charges the Officers, and writes Letters to all the Chiefs
737 Bahram pardons the Fault of the Iranians, farewells Munzir and Nu'man, and remits the Iranians' Arrears of Taxes
738 Bahram goes to the House of Lambak, the Water-carrier, and becomes his Guest
739 Bahram goes to the House of Baraham, the Jew, who treats him scurvily
740 Bahram bestows the Wealth of Baraham upon Lambak
741 Bahrarn kills Lions and forbids Winedrinking
742 Story of the young Shoemaker and how Bahram allows Wine again
743 Ruzbih, Bahram's High Priest, ruins a Village by a Stratagem and restores it
744 Bahram marries a Country Miller's Daughter
745 Bahram finds the Treasures of Jamshid and bestows them upon the Poor
746 Bahram, returning from Hunting, goes to the House of a Merchant and departs displeased
747 Bahram kills a Dragon and goes to a Yokel's House
748 Bahram goes to the Chase and espouses the Daughters of the Thane Barzin
749 Bahram kills Lions, goes to the House of a jeweller, and marries his Daughter
750 Bahram goes to the Chase and passes the Night in the House of Farshidward
751 A Bramble-grubber reveals the Case of Farshidward, and how Bahram bestows that Householder's Wealth upon the Poor
752 Bahram goes to the Chase and kills Lions
753 Bahram goes to hunt the Onager, shows his Skill before the Princes, and returns to Baghdad and Istakhr
754 The Khan of Chin leads forth a Host to war with Bahrmm, and how the Iranians ask Quarter of the Khan and submit to him
755 Bahram attacks the Host of the Khan and takes him
756 Bahram takes a Pledge from the Turanians, how he sets up a Pillar to delimit the Realm, and places Shabra upon the Throne of Turan
757 Bahram writes to announce his Victory to his Brother Narsi and returns to Iran
758 Bahram writes a Letter of Directions to his Officials
759 Bahram calls before him the Envoy of Coesar, and how the Envoy questions and answers the Archmages
760 Bahram dismisses Caesar's Envoy and charges his own Officials
761 Bahram goes with his own Letter to Shangul King of Hind
762 Shangul receives the Letter from Bahram and makes Reply
763 Shangul prepared a Feast for Bahram, and Bahram displays his Prowess
764 Shangul suspects Bahrarm and keeps him from Iran
765 Bahram fights with the Wolf at the Bidding of Shangul and kills it
766 Bahram kills a Dragon
767 Shangul becomes troubled about Bahram and gives a Daughter to him
768 Faghfur of Chin writes to Bahram and how he replies
769 Bahram flees from Hindustan to Iran with the Daughter of Shangul
770 Shangul follows Bahram, learns who he is, and is reconciled to him
771 Shangul goes back to Hind and Bahram to Iran
772 Shangul, with seven Kings, visits Bahram
773 Shangul returns to Hindustan, and Bahram remits the Property-tax to the Land-owners
774 Bahram summons Gipsies from Hindustan
775 Time of Bahram comes to an End
776 Yazdagird sits upon the Throne and exhorts the Captains of the Host
777 Hurmuz, Son of Yazdagird, ascends the Throne
778 Piruz sits upon the Throne and makes an Oration
779 Piruz builds the Cities of Piruz-Ram and Badan-Piraz, and how he goes to war with Turan
780 The Letter of Kushnawaz to Piruz
781 Piruz fights with Khushnawaz and is killed
782 Balash ascends the Throne and harangues the Iranians
783 Sufarai has Tidings of the Slaying of Piruz, how he writes a Letter to Khushnawaz, and how Khushnawaz replies
784 Sufarai fights with Khushnawaz, and how Kubad is released from his Bondage
785 Kubad sits upon the Throne and makes an Oration to the Iranians
786 Sufarai goes to Shirdz, how the Iranians slander him to Kubad, and how Kubad kills him
787 The Iranians put Kubdd in Bonds and commit him to Rizmihr, the Son of Sufarai, and how Jamasp, the Brother of Kubad, is set upon the Throne
788 Kubad escapes from Ward with Rizmihr, how he weds the Daughter of a Thane, and how he takes Refuge with the Haitalians
789 Kubad returns from Haital to Iran, how he has Tidings of the Birth of his Son, Nushirwan, and reascends the Throne
790 The Story of Kubad and Mazdak, and how Kubad adopts the Faith of Mazdak
791 Nushirwan rejects the Faith of Mazdak and kills him and his Followers
792 Kubad nominats Kisra as Successor, and how the Great gives him the name of Nushirwan
793 The Prelude
794 Nushirwan ascends the Throne and makes an Oration to the Iranians
795 Nushirwan divides his Realm into four Parts and writes a Decree to his Officers on the Administration of justice
796 Nushirwan requires Babak to muster the Host
797 Nushirwan harangues the Iranians and the Kings acknowledge his Supremacy
798 Nushirwan goes round his Empire and builds a Wall in the Pass between Iran and Turan
799 Nushirwan chastises the Alans and the Men of Baluch and Gilan
800 Munzir, the Arab, comes to Nushirwan for Succour against the Injustice of Caesar
801 The Letter of Shah Nushirwan to Caesar of Rum
802 The Letter of Nushirwan reaches Caesar and how he replies
803 Nushirwan goes to war with Caesar
804 Nushirwan takes divers Strongholds in his March to Rum
805 The Battle of Nushirwan with Farfuriyas, the Leader of Caesar's Host, the Victory of Nishirwan, and his Capture of Kaliniyus and Antakiya
806 Nushirwan builds the City of Zib-i-Khusrau in the Likeness of Antakiya and settles the Roman Captives therein
807 Caesar writes to Nushirwan and sends Tribute
808 The Birth of Nushzad, the Son of Nushirwan, by a Woman who is a Christian
809 The Sickness of Nushirwan and the Sedition of Nushzad
810 The Letter of Nushirwan to Ram Barzin, the Warden of the March of Mada'in, respecting the Taking of Nushzad
811 Ram Barzin fights with Nashzad, and how Nashzad is killed
812 Nushirwan has a Dream and how Buzurjmihr interprets it
813 The first Banquet of Nushirwan to the Sages, and the Counsels of Buzurjmihr
814 The second Banquet of Nushirwan to Buzurjmihr and the Archimages
815 The third Banquet of Nushirwan to Buzurjmihr and the Archimages
816 The fourth Banquet of Nashirwan to Buzurjmihr and the Archimages
817 The fifth Banquet of Nushirwan to Buzurjmihr and the Archimages
818 The sixth Banquet of Nushirwan to Buzurjmihr and the Archimages
819 The seventh Banquet of Nushirwan to Buzurjmihr and the Archimages
820 The Story of Mahbud, the Wazir of Nushirwan, and how Mahbud and his Sons are killed by the Sorcery of Zuran and a Jew
821 How the Sorcery of Zuran and the Jew in the Matter of Mahbud is discovered, and how both are killed by Command of Nushirwan
822 In Praise of the Wisdom of Nushirwan, and how he builds the City of Sarsan
823 The Story of the War of the Khan with Ghatkar, the Prince of the Haitalians, the Defeat of Ghatkar, and how they set Faghanish upon the Throne
824 Nushirwan has Tidings of the Battle of the Khan with the Haitalians and how he leads a Host against the Khan
825 the Khan has Tidings of the Coming of the Host of Nushirwan to Gurgan and writes a Letter in the Cause of Peace
826 Nushirwan answers the Letter of the Khan
827 The Khan bethinks himself and writes offering his Daughter in Marriage to Nushirwan
828 Nushirwan answers the Letter, and sends Mihran Sitad to see and fetch the Daughter of the Khan
829 The Khan sends his Daughter, escorted by Mihran, with a Letter and Treasures to Nushirwan
830 The Khan withdraws, and how Nushirwan marches from Gurgan to Taisafun
831 Discourse on the justice of Nushirwan and how Mortals have Peace under his Usages
832 Buzurjmihr counsels Nushirwan and discourses on good Deeds and Words
833 The Raja of Hind sends the Game of Chess to Nushirwan
834 How Buzurjmihr invents Nard, and how Nushirwan sends it with a Letter to the Raja of Hind
835 The Story of Gav and Talhand, and the Invention of Chess
836 Nushirwan sends Barzwi, the Leech, to Hindustan to fetch a wondrous Drug, and how Barzwi brings back the Book of Kalila and Dimna
837 Nushdirwan is wroth with Buzurjmihr and orders him to be put in Ward
838 The Ambassador of Caesar comes to Nushirwan with a locked Casket and how Buzurjmihr is set at large to declare its Contents
839 Discourse on the Responses of Nushirwan
840 Nushirwan's Letter of Counsel to his Son Hurmuzd
841 How an Archmage questions Nushirwan and how he makes Answer
842 Nushirwan makes ready to war against Caesar
843 Nushirwan takes the Stronghold of Sakila and how a Shoemaker has Dealings with him
844 The Envoys of Caesar come to Nushirwan with Apologies and Presents
845 Nushirwan choses Hurmuzd as his Successor
846 The Archimages question Hurmuzd and how he replies
847 Nushirwan appoints Hurmuzd as his Successor and gives him parting Counsels
848 Nushirwan has a Dream and how Buzurjmihr interprets it as signifying the Appearance of Muhammad
849 The Prelude
850 Hurmuzd ascends the Throne and harangues the Chiefs
851 Hurmuzd kills Izid Gashasp, Zarduhsht, Simah Barzin, and Bahrani Azarmihan, his Father's Ministers
852 Hurmuzd turns from Tyranny to justice
853 Hosts gathers from all Sides against Hurmuzd, and how he takes Counsel with his Wazirs
854 Hurmuzd hears of Bahram Chubina and sends for him
855 Bahram Chubina comes to Hurmuzd and is made Captain of the Host
856 Bahram Chubina goes with twelve thousand Cavaliers to fight King Sawa
857 King Sawa sends a Message to Bahram Chubina and his Answer
858 King Sawa and Bahram Chubina set the Battle in Array against each other
859 King Sawa sends another Message to Bahrani Chubina and his Answer
860 Bahram Chubina has a Dream in the Night, how he gives Battle the next Morning, and how King Sawa is killed
861 Bahram Chubina sends a Letter announcing his Victory, and the Head of King Sawa, to Hurmuzd, and his Answer
862 Bahram Chubina fights with Parmada, Son of King Sawa, and overcomes him, and how Parmada takes Refuge in the Hold of Awaza
863 Bahram Chubina sends a Message to Parmfida and how Parmada asks Quarter
864 Bahram Chubina asks of Hurmuzd a Warrant to spare the Life of Parmada and the Answer
865 Hurmuzd's Letter, granting Quarter to Parmada, reaches Bahram Chubina, and how Bahram Chubina is wroth with Parmada
866 Parmida comes before Hurmuzd with the Treasures sent by Bahram Chubina
867 Hurmuzd hears of the Ill-doing of Bahram Chubina and makes a Compact with the Khan
868 Hurmuzd writes a chiding Letter to Bahram Chubina and sends him a Distaff-case, Cotton, and Women's Raiment
869 Bahram Chubina puts on the Woman's Dress and shows himself therein to the Chiefs of the Host
870 Bahram Chubina goes to hunt and sees a Lady who foretells the Future to him
871 Bahram Chubina assumes the royal Style and how Kharrad, Son of Barzin, and the Archscribe flee
872 Hurmuzd receives News of Bahram Chubina's Doings, and how Bahram Chubina sends a Frail of Swords to Hurmuzd
873 Bahram Chubina makes known to the Chiefs his Designs upon the Throne, and how his Sister Gurdya advises him
874 Bahram Chubina's Letter to the Khan and how he coins Money with the name of Khusrau Parwiz and sent it to Hurmuzd
875 Bahram Chubina writes to Hurmuzd and how Khusrau Parwiz flees from his Father
876 Hurmuzd sends Ayin Gashasp with an Army to fight Bahram Chubina and how he is killed by his Comrade
877 Hurmuzd grieved, refuses Audience to the Iranians, and is blinded by Bandwi and Gustaham
878 Khusrau Parwiz hears of the Blinding of Hurmuzd
879 The Prelude
880 Khusrau Parwiz sits upon the Throne and makes an Oration
881 Khusrau Parwiz visits his Father and asks Forgiveness
882 Bahram Chubina hears of the Blinding of Shah Hurmuzd and how he leads his Troops against Khusrau Parwiz
883 Khusrau Parwiz and Bahram Chubina meet and parley
884 Bahrain Chubina and Khusrau Parwiz returns, how Gurdya advised Bahram Chubina, and how Khusrau Parwiz told his Purpose to the Iranians
885 Bahram Chubina attacks the Army of Khusrau Parwiz by Night and how Khusrau Parwiz flee
886 Khusrau Parwiz goes to his Sire and fled to Rum, and how Hurmuzd is killed
887 Bahram Chubina sent Troops after Khusrau Parwiz and how Bandwi contrives to rescue him from their Hands
888 Bahram, the Son of Siyawush, takes Bandwi and carries him to Bahram Chubina
889 Bahram Chubina summons the Magnates of Iran, how they discuss his Pretensions to the Kingdom, and how he acceds to the Throne
890 Bandwi plots with Bahrani, the Son of Siyawush, to slay Bahrarn Chubina, and how Bandwi flees from Bond
891 Khusrau Parwiz goes toward Rum by the Desert-route and how a Hermit tells him of the Past and Future
892 A Cavalier of Caesar came to Khusrau Parwiz and how he sends an Answer by Gustaham, Balwi, Andiyan, Kharrad, Son of Barzin, and Shapur to Caesar
893 Caesar answers the Letter of Khusrau Parwiz
894 Caesar writes to Khusrau Parwiz, declining to help him, and his Answer
895 Caesar writes the second Time to Khusrau Parwiz about giving him Aid
896 Khusrau Parwiz answers Caesar about the Alliance
897 Caesar makes a Talisman and deceives the Envoys of Khusrau Parwiz, and how Kharrad, Son of Barzin, solves the Mystery
898 Kharrad, Son of Barzin, expounds the Faith of the Indians and exhorts Caesar
899 Caesar sends a Host and his Daughter to Khusran Parwiz
900 Khusrau Parwiz leads his Host to Azar Abadagan and how Bandwi meets him on the Way
901 Bahram Chubina has Tidings of the Coming of Khusrau Parwiz and writes a Letter to the Chiefs of Iran, and how the Letter falls into the Hands of Khusrau Parwiz and his Answer
902 Khusrau Parwiz fights with Bahram Chubina and how Kut, the Ruman, is killed
903 Khusrau Parwiz fights with Pahram Chubina the second Time, is defeated, and escapes from him by the Help of Surush
904 Khusrau Parwiz fights the third Time with Bahram Chubina and defeats him
905 Khusrau Parwiz sends an Army under Nastuh after Bahram Chubina, and how Bahram Chubina captures him and reaches the Khan of Chin
906 Khusrau Parwiz pillages the Camp of Bahram Chubina and writes a Letter to Caesar who answers it with a Robe of Honour and Gifts
907 Niyatus is wroth with Bandwi and how Maryam makes Peace between them
908 Khusrau Parwiz gives Presents to Niyatus and the Rumans, how he dismisses them to Rum, and writes Patents for the Nobles of Iran
909 Firdausi's Lament for the Death of his Son
910 The Story of Bahram Chubina and the Khan of Chin
911 Makatura is killed by Bahram Chubina
912 The Lion-ape kills a Daughter of the Khan, how it is killed by Bahram Chubina, and how the Khan gives him a Daughter and the Kingdom of Chin
913 Khusrau Parwiz hears of the Case of Bahram Chubina and writes a Letter to the Khan, and how he replies
914 Khusrau Parwiz sends Kharrad, Son of Barzin, to the Khan and how he schemes to slay Bahram Chubina
915 Bahram Chubina is killed by Kulun as Kharrad, Son of Barzin, had planned
916 The Khan has Tidings of Bahram Chubina's Death and how he destroys the House and Family of Kulun
917 Khusrau Parwiz had Tidings of the Slaying of Bahram Chubina and honours Kharrad, Son of Barzin
918 The Khan sends his Brother to Gurdya, the Sister of Bahram Chubina, with a Letter touching her Brother's Death and asking her in Marriage as his Queen, and her Answer
919 Gurdya consults her Nobles and fled from Marv
920 The Khan received Tidings of the Flight of Gurdya and how he sent Tuwurg with an Army after her, and how Gurdya kills Tuwurg
921 Gurdya writes to Gurdwi
922 Khusrau Parwiz kills Bandwi
923 Gustaham rebels against Khusrau Parwiz and takes Gurdya to Wife
924 Khusrau Parwiz takes Counsel with Gurdwi concerning Gustaham and how Gurdya, prompted by Gurdwi, kills him
925 Gurdya writes to Khusrau Parwiz and how he summons and married her
926 Gurdya shows her Accomplishment before Khusrau Parwiz
927 Khusrau Parwiz sends an ill-disposed Marchlord to Rai and how he oppresses the Folk there
928 Gurdya makes Sport before Khusrau Parwiz and how he gives Rai to her
929 Khusrau Parwiz portions out his Realm
930 Shirwi, the Son of Khusrau Parwiz, is born of Maryam with bad Auspices and how Khusrau Parwiz informs Cesar
931 Caesar writes a Letter to Khusrau Parwiz, sent Gifts, and asks for the Cross of Christ
932 Khusrau Parwiz answers Caesar's Letter and sends Gifts
933 The Prelude
934 Khusrau Parwiz loves Shirin, how they part, how he meets her again while hunting and sends her to his Bower
935 The Nobles hear that Shirin has come to the Bower of Khusrau Parwiz and how they advise him and are satisfied with his Answer
936 Shirin murders Maryam and Khusrau Parwiz puts Shirin in Bonds
937 Khusrau Parwiz makes the Throne of Takdis
938 The Story of Sarkash and Barbad, the Minstrel, and Khusrau Parwiz
939 Khusran Parwiz builds the Palace of Madain Discourse on the Splendour and Greatness of Khusrau Parwiz
940 Khusrau Parwiz turns from justice, how the Chiefs revolt, and how Guraz calls in Caesar
941 Caesar withdraws through an Expedient of Khusrau Parwiz and how the Chiefs release Shirwi from Bonds
942 Khusrau Parwiz is taken and how Shirwi sends him to Taisafun
943 Shirwi ascends the Throne, announces his Will, and sends Chiefs to his Father with Counsel and Excuses
944 Khusrau Parwiz answeres Shirwi
945 Shirwi grieves for Khusrau Parwiz and how the Chiefs sre displeased thereat
946 Barbad laments Khusrau Parwiz, cuts off his own Fingers, and burns his Instruments of Music
947 The Chiefs demand from Shirwi the Death of Khusrau Parwiz and how he is killed by Mihr Hurmuzd
948 Shirwi asks Shirin in Marriage, how Shirin kills herself, and how Shirwi is killed
949 Ardshir, Son of Shirwi, ascended the Throne and harangued the Chiefs
950 Guraz is displeased at Ardshir being Shah and how he causes Ardshir to be killed by Piraz Son of Khusrau
951 Gurdz, (also called Farayin,) receives News of the Slaying of Ardshir, hastenes to Iran, takes Possession of the Throne, and is killed by Shahranguraz
952 Purandukht ascends the Throne and kills Piraz, Son of Khusrau, and how her own Life ends
953 Azarmdukht ascends the Throne and how she dies
954 Farrukhzad ascends the Throne and how he is killed by a Slave
955 Yazdagird ascends the Throne and addresses the Chiefs
956 Sa'ad, Son of Wakkas' invades Iran, how Yazdagird sends Rustam to oppose him, and how Rustam writes a Letter to his Brother
957 Rustam writes to Sa'ad, Son of Wakkas, and how he replies
958 Rustam fights with Sa'ad, Son of Wakkas, and is killed
959 Yazdagird consults with the Iranians and goes to Khurasan
960 Yazdagird writes to Mahwi of Sur
961 Yazdagird writes to the Marchlords of Tas
962 Yazdagird goes to Tus and how Mahwi of Sur mets him
963 Mahwi of Sur incits Bizhan to war with Yazdagird and how Yazdagird flees and hides himself in a Mill
964 Mahwi of Sur sends the Miller to kill Yazdagird, and how the Archimages counsel Mahwi to forbear
965 Yazdagird is killed by Khusrau, the Miller
966 Mahwi of Sur is informed of the Obsequies of Yazdagird and ascends the Throne
967 Bizhan, hearing of the Slaying of Yazdagird and of Mahwi of Sur's Accession to the Throne, leads forth the Host to fight with him
968 Mahwi of Sur is taken and killed by Order of Bizhan
969 Account of the Completion of the Shahmama