Princeton University
Department of Economics - Bendheim Center
for Finance

Yacine Ait-Sahalia's Research Page

Closed-Form MLE for Diffusions


Financial support from the NSF under grants SBR-9996023, SBR-0111140, SBR-0350772, DMS-0532370 and SES-0850533 is gratefully acknowledged.


  • Current version: July 19, 2018: new models added.



  • Matlab Code. This code requires Matlab version 7 (R14), or later.


  • Slides describing the method, and references.


  • Please send me email if you wish to receive the likelihood expansions for a model not yet implemented. Your email should include the specification of your model as in the following example. Comments and bug reports are also welcome!


  • Run this code on your data series in a web-based interface at