
Andrew Moravcsik


Professor of Politics and International Affairs
  and Director, European Union Program
Princeton University

E-mail: amoravcs@princeton.edu
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Department of Politics
Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Robertson Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544 USA

Tel: (609) 258-1161



ANDREW MORAVCSIK is Professor of Politics and International Affairs, and Director of the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination and the European Union Program at Princeton University. He has authored over 125 scholarly publications, including four books, on European integration, international relations theory, qualitative/historical methods, human rights, international law and organization, and other topics. The American Historical Review praised his history of the European Union, The Choice for Europe, "the most important work in the field." His current research is a comparative study of the concrete impact of radical-right populist parties on democratic foreign policy. He developed "active citation"-a precursor to ATI, an increasingly popular digital transparency format for qualitative social science. A recent study listed him as the most cited international relations scholar of his cohort. The National Science, Ford, Fulbright, Olin, Krupp and German Marshall Foundations, the Institute for Advanced Study, and various universities and institutes, have supported his research. He was recently Berlin Prize winner and Holbrooke Fellow at the American Academy in Berlin. He has published over 150 opinion pieces and policy analyses, and currently serves as Book Review Editor (Europe) at Foreign Affairs. In the policy world, he served as a US government trade negotiator, special assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister of Korea, press assistant at the European Commission. His daily commentary on classical music, particularly opera, has appeared in The Financial Times, New York Times, Opera, Opera Today and elsewhere, and his scholarship on the sociology of music has appeared in Opera, Opera Quarterly, and various edited volumes. He holds a BA from Stanford, an MA from Johns Hopkins (SAIS), and a PhD from Harvard University, as well as having attended German and French universities. He lives in Princeton, NJ, with his wife Anne-Marie Slaughter, with whom he has two sons. More information is available at http://www.princeton.edu/~amoravcs
