Jewish Learning | Center for Jewish Life
Center for Jewish Life - Princeton Hillel

Jewish Learning

Princeton is known for intellectual rigor and the CJL is known for its national award-winning Jewish educational programs.

What's different about education at the CJL?  It's not just about ideas, it's about living a meaningful life, developing relationships and contributing to the world at large. It's where the personal, spiritual, ethical and intellectual meet in a way that is meant to challenge and inspire. It's not about gaining knowledge; it's about gaining wisdom.

We have a team of educators on staff, including three rabbis from the Reform, Conservative and Orthodox denominations. They are dedicated to providing diverse educational opportunities to all Jewish students on campus such as one-on-one learning sessions, weekly lunch and learn programs, and special Shabbat and holiday study. In addition to this wonderful team, the CJL actively promotes informal peer-led learning through programs such as TNT (Thursday Night Torah and Pizza), along with special lectures and guest scholars-in-residence.

Jewish Learning Fellowship

The Jewish Learning Fellowship (JLF) is a 10-week experiential, conversational seminar for students looking to deepen their understanding of Judaism on their own terms. We’re interested in asking big questions: Who am I? What communities am I a part of? What is worth committing myself to, and why? As a part of a national program, JLF at Princeton seeks to create community as well as challenge participants with deep intellectual debate and conversation.

Our job is to help you explore the tradition in a safe space and find your own place, on your terms, in Judaism’s Great Conversation.

Other Fellowships

One of the centerpieces of Jewish learning at the CJL is our Fellowships. Our Fellowships give you the opportunity to immerse yourself deeply in a topic you find relevant and meaningful to your life. In a CJL Fellowship, your life experience and your unique perspective is in conversation with other students and with thousands of years of Jewish tradition. You will discover that whatever you are passionate about, in your academic studies or in your leadership activities, has a connection to Jewish teachings.

To learn more about all Fellowship learning opportunities, contact Rabbi Ira Dounn.


Some of our recent Fellowships include:

  • Life as a Sacred Gift
  • Jewish Law in the 21st Century: Technology, Economy, and Global Society

  • Judaism through a Queer Lens

  • Israel

  • Your Jewish Story

  • Let Our People Go (Mass Incarceration)

  • Biomedical Ethics



Rabbi Azi Horvitch and Atara Horvitch are OU-JLIC Torah educators at the Center for Jewish Life. The Orthodox Union and Hillel have partnered to bring Orthodox rabbinic couples to over 25 college campuses across the world.

Rav Azi and Atara teach a wide array of classes at the Center for Jewish Life ranging from a weekly Gemara class to classes on Tanach, Chassidut and Halacha. They are also available for one-on-one learning opportunities with students.

In the past, some popular classes have included  ‘Lunch and Learn’  with free Sushi and Chinese food. Some of the topics discussed included: The Philosophy of Jewish Law, Sfardi Intellectual History, Rabbinic Stories and more.

For more information about OU-JLIC or Yavneh on campus, contact Rav Azi at or Atara at


Featured Monthly Curriculum

Environmental Curriculum 

Curated by co-founder of our CJL Sustainability Committee Raphi Gold.

Caring for the environment is a core aspect of what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century. Our Jewish tradition connects us to the environment and the way we treat our environment in the face of a global climate crisis requires us to call upon our Jewish values. Here are a few texts  that connect back to the Earth and our responsibility to act.

Explore the texts here.



Wellness Curriculum

Hear about wellness at the CJL from Rabbi Ira and then interact with our wellness curriculum created by CJL students and staff during the COVID pandemic. Each of these seven source sheets explores one of the forms of wellness detailed in the Princeton Wellness Wheel - occupational, spiritual, physical, intellectual, environmental, emotional, and social wellness.


Video thumbnail: CJL Wellness Curriculum Introduction

- Occupational

- Spiritual

- Physical

- Intellectual

- Environmental

- Emotional

- Social