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The FEMGV Resource File

The FEMGV resource file (femsys.ini) is intended for general use to set user preferences such as default printer settings etc. This file may now be used to control the default element variant for a particular analysis package, degree of freedom macros such as XSYMM, and degree of freedom names(X,RX, etc.). Interface writers may find this capability useful in customising their analysis environments. The FEMGV Installation & Customisation Guide contains more detailed information on this subject together with many other customisation features.

Default Element Variants

It is now possible to set the default element variant for each FEMGEN geometric element type from the resource file. For users who typically perform only one type of analysis this will be extremely useful. This can be done for the neutral environment only or in an analysis specific manner. The following extract from a resource file illustrates both of these methods.

# Neutral settings
Femsys.default-variant.all.BE3  : 3
# Set default abaqus element variants, note that the definition can 
# be made using either the element name or the element variant number.
# The all parameter is currently unused but must be present.
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.P-EL : NODE-GEN
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.BE2  : B31
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.BE3  : B32
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.TR3  : CPS3
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.TR6  : CPS6
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.QU4  : CPS4
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.QU8  : CPS8
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.QU9  : S9R5
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.PE6  : C3D6
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.P15  : C3D15
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.HE8  : C3D8
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.HE20 : C3D20
Femsys.abaqus-variant.all.HE27 : INTER9

Degree of Freedom Names

FEMGV 2.3.x incorporated a concept of degrees of freedom 1-6 (internal and external) for use in single point constraints. FEMGV version 4 or above has degrees of freedom 1-16 internal and 1-15 external of which degrees of freedom 1-6 retain the same meaning. It is possible to associate a text string and a symbol to each of these degrees of freedom. By default only degrees of freedom 1-11 have text and symbols associated with them but this can be modified via the resource file. The defaults are listed below together with an example resource file to modify these.

Note that the physical meaning of degrees of freedom 1-11 cannot be changed although the text and symbol can. Degrees of freedom 12-16 may be programmed to mean anything

Degree of Physical Default Default
Freedom Meaning Text Symbol
1 Translation in X X Vector + Square in local x
2 Translation in Y Y Vector + Square in local y
3 Translation in Z Z Vector + Square in local z
4 Rotation in X RX Vector + Arrow in local x
5 Rotation in Y RY Vector + Arrow in local y
6 Rotation in Z RZ Vector + Arrow in local z
7 Beam Warping W W
8 Pore Pressure P Diamond
10 Electrical Potential E Asterisk
11 Temperature T Plus
Table 3.3: Default Degree of Freedom names and symbols

Symbol Symbol
Code Type
0 No symbol available
1 Plus sign
2 Asterisk
3 Cross
4 Square
5 Diamond
6 Crossed square
7 vector + square in local x
8 vector + square in local y
9 vector + square in local z
10 vector + arrow in local x
11 vector + arrow in local y
12 vector + arrow in local z
13 blank
14-23 0-9
24-32 - + = * / ( ) , .
33-59 A-Z and '
Table 3.4: Degree of Freedom Symbol Codes

# Activate internal and external degree of freedom 7 and 
# assign the text W to it (for beam warping).
Femsys.default-dofname.internal.7 : W
Femsys.default-dofname.external.7 : W
# Changes symbol for dof 1 to W!
# 55 is a symbol code
Femsys.default-dofsymbol.internal.1  : 55

Degree of Freedom Macros

FEMGV version 4 or above incorporates the concept of a degree of freedom macro which is a name which can be used to group degrees of freedom under. Ten degree of freedom macros are supported for both internal and external freedoms. The default macros are shown below together with an example resource file for modifying these defaults.

Macro Macro Degrees of Freedom
Number Name Associated with Macro
1 XSYMM 1, 5, 6
2 YSYMM 2, 4, 6
3 ZSYMM 3, 4, 5
4 ALL 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
5 XASYMM 2, 3, 4
6 YASYMM 1, 3, 5
7 ZASYMM 1, 2, 6
8 ENCASTRE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
9 PINNED 1, 2, 3
10 NOROTATE 4, 5, 6
Table 3.5: Default Degree of Freedom Macros

Resource File to modify the above:

# Modifies hard coded dofmacro ENCASTRE to include warping amplitude
Femsys.abaqus-dofmacro.internal.8 : ENCASTRE X Y Z RX RY RZ W
Femsys.abaqus-dofmacro.external.8 : ENCASTRE X Y Z RX RY RZ W

Property Material and Property Physical Forms

Forms for the material and physical properties were introduced for the Motif version of FEMGV, at version 5.0-01, and for the PC version, at version 5.1-02. These forms allow the user to browse, edit and create materials and physical properties definitions for the current model.

For the range of material types specific to a given analysis environment and set up in the 'userIQ' routine, the interface developer can specify the names of the material type parameters enabling the user to more easily understand the material instance definitions. The same applies to physical properties.

The data for the Property Material and the Property Physical form is derived from two sources, the 'userIQ' fortran subroutine and a resource file.

The resource file is a text file that contains the labels for the material type and physical property type parameters for the available analysis environments. The format of this file is documented in the Installation and Customisation Guide.

For material type parameter labels it has the following basic format:



    <ID>         is the string Femsys
    <program>    is the program module name - fg-diana
    <class>      is the class name for the resource - material
    <resource>   is the resource name - <material type>_label_<parameter #>
    <separator>  is <whitespace>:<whitespace>
    <whitespace> is <spaces> or <tabs>
    <value>      is the value of the resource - the material parameter name

For example:

! DIANA - Generated by JPR
! sample data from : Diana 6.2 User's manual - Linear State analysis
Femsys.fg-diana.material.mat_label_1 : Young's Modulus
Femsys.fg-diana.material.mat_label_2 : Poisson's ratio
Femsys.fg-diana.material.mat_label_3 : Density
Femsys.fg-diana.material.mat_label_4 : Thermal coef exp
Femsys.fg-diana.material.mat_label_5 : Tref

Femsys.fg-diana.material.general_label_1 : general - label one
Femsys.fg-diana.material.general_label_2 : general - label two

Femsys.fg-diana.material.truss_label_1 : Young's Modulus
Femsys.fg-diana.material.truss_label_2 : [ Mass density ]
Femsys.fg-diana.material.truss_label_3 : [ Alpha - thermal exp coef ]
Femsys.fg-diana.material.truss_label_4 : [ Gamma - concent exp coef ]

Femsys.fg-diana.material.beam_label_1 : Young's Modulus
Femsys.fg-diana.material.beam_label_2 : Poisson's ratio
Femsys.fg-diana.material.beam_label_3 : [ Mass density ]
Femsys.fg-diana.material.beam_label_4 : [ Alpha - thermal exp coef ]
Femsys.fg-diana.material.beam_label_5 : [ Gamma - concent exp coef ]
Femsys.fg-diana.material.beam_label_6 : [ shear sfx ]
Femsys.fg-diana.material.beam_label_7 : [ shear sfy ]

It can be seen that the resource name is composed from the material type name followed by ``_label_'' which is followed by the parameter number. Square brackets have been used to show the user that the value is optional. Note that the forms do not check that all non-optional entries have been filled.

This file is currently named 'useriq.res' and should be in the working directory or it is the file which name and full path are specified by the environment variable FEMSYS_GLOBAL_ANALYSIS. If this file cannot be found or its data cannot be read the material and physical property type parameter labels will default to value 1, value2 etc.

An example of a Property Material form is shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Property Material Form
\psfig {figure=materials.eps,width=3in}

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