Materials, Properties and Design

Table of Contents




· In terms of the section area, A, and the second moment of area, I, the shape factor: ΦB = 4πI/A2, for the bending response about an axis normal to the section. For a circular cross-section of radius, r, A = πr2 , and I = (πr4/4) so that the shape factor for bending is ΦB = 1.

· The twisting (or torsional) response of a section will depend upon a torsional shape factor: ΦT = 2πK/A2. Here K is the "torsional moment of area" about an axis normal to the section. For a cylinder K = πr4/4, and so ΦT = 1 for this section.

From: Ashby, "Materials Selection in Mechanical Design," Pergamon (1993)