Identifying Health Technologies That Work: Searching for Evidence

GPO stock #052-003-01389-4
NTIS order #PB95-109617

Report cover

Full Report ~7000K
Front Matter ~99K
Table of Contents ~94K

1: Summary ~299K
2: Behind Search for Evidence ~346K
3: Tools for Effectiveness Research ~432K
4: Issues in Improving Effectiveness Research ~377K
5: The State of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis ~339K
6: The Federal Role in Health Technology Assessment ~190K
7: The Development of Clinical Practice Guidelines ~397K
8: The Impact of Clinical Guidelines on Practice ~405K

A: How This Study Was Conducted ~100K
B: Acknowledgments ~109K
C: Guideline Development Activities ~561K
D: Abbreviations and Glossary ~113K
References ~3488K
Index ~739K