Report cover

Genetic Monitoring and Screening in the Workplace
NTIS order #PB91-105940

Full Report ~4050K

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Front Matter ~42K
Table of Contents ~6K

1: Summary, Policy Issues, and Options for Congressional Action ~351K
2: Introduction ~122K
3: Occupational Health and Genetic Monitoring and Screening: An Overview ~288K
4: The State-of-the-Art of Genetic Monitoring ~1086K
5: The State-of-the-Art in Genetic Screening ~585K
6: Legal Considerations ~404K
7: Ethical Issues ~193K
8: The Worker as a Person: Individual Uses of Genetic Information ~304K
9: Genetics in the Workplace: Perceptions and Practice ~135K

A: Basic Tenets of Human Genetics ~104K
B: Survey Methodology ~27K
C: 1982 Survey of the Use of Genetic Testing in the Workplace ~80K
D: Federal Research in Genetic Monitoring and Screening ~34K
E: Survey Instrument: Corporate Health Officers ~172K
F: Survey Instrument: Corporate Personnel Officers ~82K
G: Survey Instrument: Union Presidents ~96K
H: Acknowledgments ~13K
I: List of Contractor Documents ~5K
J: Acronyms and Glossary of Terms ~28K
Index ~133K

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