Welcome to the Descriptive Statistics Online Training page at DSS
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The goal of this tutorial is to get students
started in descriptive statistics using Excel, Stata and R.
Some other modules/documents include some
statistical procedures like linear regression, logit
regression, ordered logit regression, panel data,
time series (including Chow tests, Quandt likelihood
ratio -QLR test- or sup-Wald statistic), factor analysis, multilevel analysis
and more (see menu on the left)
We hope you find these pages useful.
For questions or help please
contact DSS staff at data@princeton.edu.
You can also stop by the DSS Lab located
at Firestone Library A-16-H-3 (the lab is now open following Firestone’s
building hours, click here
for details)
For general questions regarding data sources, statistics, software or
additional training please contact DSS at data@princeton.edu.
Please report any error, typo or
questions on the training pages to Oscar Torres-Reyna (otorres@princeton.edu).
Stata tutorial, R tutorial and
other learning/instructional materials are available here http://dss.princeton.edu/training/
Please refresh your browser if you experience problems accessing the links
by Oscar Torres-Reyna