The 4th International Workshop

on Flame Chemistry

July 28 - 29, 2018, 

Dublin, Ireland



The 4th International Workshop on Flame Chemistry will be held on July 28-29, 2018 at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.


The goal of this workshop is to assemble experts in combustion chemistry, flames, kinetic modeling, engines, and diagnostics to identify the gap of knowledge and pathways for the development of predictive high pressure and low temperature flame chemistry and to establish framework of collaborative research.




With increasing concerns of energy security and climate change, development of alternative fuels and advanced engine technologies using high pressure, low temperature, thermal and compositional stratified flow, homogeneous charge compression ignition, cool flames, flameless combustion, pressure gain combustion, supercritical combustion, and plasma assisted combustion at near flammability limit and even non-equilibrium conditions provide potential approaches to increasing energy conversion efficiency and reducing air pollutant emissions. For a foreseeable future, combustion with renewable fuels will remain as a major energy conversion methodology for even a more extended period than previously forecast. New combustion technologies at extreme conditions often lead to new flame regimes, increased flame instability, incomplete combustion, and strong chemistry and transport couplings. Biofuels will significantly change the engine and emission performance. As such, it is of great importance to advance fundamental understanding of ignition and flame chemistry at extreme conditions to enable new fuels and to achieve accurate control of ignition, heat release rate, combustion instability, and flame flashback, and emissions.




The program of the workshop consists of several sessions covering a wide range of interesting flame chemistry research:

1.     Large Scale Computing and a priori Mechanism Generation

2.     Transformative Experimental Tools

3.     Warm Flame and Plasma- and Ozone-assisted Combustion Chemistry

4.     Dual Fuel Combustion Chemistry at Low-Temperatures

5.     Collisional and Transport Effects

In order to engage in lively discussions, the workshop will consists of invited talks, contributed highlight presentations, and plenty of time for discussions and the end of each sessions. You are encouraged to contact me by email ( if you wish to contribute a short presentation to any of these 5 topical areas.


The Flame Chemistry Workshop is a satellite meeting that should complement the Combustion Symposium Program of the Combustion Institute and avoid conflicts. Accordingly, our policy is that materials presented at the workshop should not duplicate information in formal Symposium papers and oral presentations, although some results may be used in common.




The Workshop Program includes invited lectures, highlight presentations, and volunteered presentations, and panel discussion sessions.



The registration is now open for the 4th International Workshop on Flame Chemistry (click the link below). Registration fee is 125 US$, which covers the cost of the meeting and includes breakfast on both meeting days as well as a group lunch and dinner on Saturday.




The Workshop Proceedings will be made available at this website, and will include presentation slides, a summary of the major discussion topics, research topic recommendation, and directions for collaborative research.


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