Biography of Paul Krugman

photo of Paul Krugman
Krugman in 2001 (photo: Denise Applewhite)


Feb. 28, 1953


Yale University, bachelor’s degree, 1974

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D., 1977


Princeton University, professor, July 2000-present

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, professor, Aug. 1996-June 2000

Stanford University, professor, July 1994-July 1996

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, professor, July 1984-June 1994

Council of Economic Advisers, international policy economist, Sept. 1982-Aug. 1983

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, associate professor, July 1980-June 1984

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, visiting assistant professor, Sept. 1979-June 1980

Yale University, assistant professor, Sept. 1977-June 1980

Other affiliations

The New York Times, columnist, 2000-present

Fortune magazine, columnist, 1997-99

Slate magazine, columnist, 1996-99

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, fellow, 1992-present

Group of 30, member, 1988-present

Econometric Society, fellow, 1987-present

Institute of International Economics, member of board of advisers, 1986-present

National Bureau of Economic Research, research associate, 1979-present


Nobel Prize in economics, 2008

William Alonso Memorial Prize for Innovative Work in Regional Science, North American Regional Science Council, 2002

Nikkei Prize for Excellent Books in Economic Science (with Masahisa Fujita and Anthony Venables), 2001

Adam Smith Award, National Association for Business Economics, 1995

John Bates Clark Medal, American Economic Association, 1991

George EcclesPrize for Excellence in Economic Writing, Columbia University Business School, 1991

Selected books

“The Conscience of a Liberal,” W.W. Norton, 2007

“Microeconomics” (with Robin Wells), Worth Publishers, 2004

“The Great Unraveling,” W.W. Norton, 2003

“Fuzzy Math,” W.W. Norton, 2001

“The Spatial Economy” (with Masahisa Fujita and Anthony Venables), MIT Press, 1999

“The Return of Depression Economics,” W.W. Norton, 1999

“The Accidental Theorist,” W.W. Norton, 1998

“Pop Internationalism,” MIT Press, 1996

“The Self-Organizing Economy,” Blackwell Publishers, 1996

“Development, Geography and Economic Theory,” MIT Press, 1995

“Peddling Prosperity,” W.W. Norton, 1994

“Currencies and Crises,” MIT Press, 1992

“Geography and Trade,” MIT Press, 1991

“The Age of Diminished Expectations,” MIT Press, 1990

“Rethinking International Trade,” MIT Press, 1990

“Foreign Direct Investment in the United States” (with Edward Graham), Institute for International Economics, 1989

“Market Structure and Trade Policy” (with Elhanan Helpman), MIT Press, 1989

“International Economics: Theory and Policy” (with Maurice Obstfeld), Scott Foresman/Little Brown, 1988

“Market Structure and Foreign Trade” (with Elhanan Helpman), MIT Press, 1985