The Architectonics of Nature

CHEM 543: Advanced Topics in Structural Biology

The Structural Biology of Neurodevelopmental Disorders


A Structural Biologist Looks at Autism (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, December 13, 2012)

Understanding Autism: A 20-year Perspective (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, December 13, 2012)


The Tango of Art and Science (Newark Museum, New Jersey, 2002)

A structural biologist examines the tango of art and science using images from the Newark Museum.

Structures of Actin-Binding Proteins: A new model for filament severing (Cambridge, 2005)

Reflections on actin filament modeling from crystal structures of actin-binding proteins.

The Origins of Life: An Architectonic Perspective (Stockholm, 2007)

A retrospective look at Schrodinger’s book ‘What is Life?’ from the viewpoint of a structural biologist, emphasizing architectonic principles involved in the origins of life.

An Architectonic Perspective on Autism (St. Peter's College, New Jersey, 2007)

Emerging themes in the science of autism offering hope.

Regulating the Pharmaceutical Industry (University of Pennsylvania, 2007)

A structural biologist looks at how drug discovery is regulated by the FDA.

Why Invest in Programs for Adolescents and Adults with Autism (ICDL Annual Conference, Virginia, 2010)