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Slide Lines

The association of a slide line with part of the model is performed in a special way. BE2 variant 34 and BE3 variant 26 elements are used to model the actual slide line. Various ISL elements are then modelled as beam element variants which are attached to the edges of the relevant parts. The association of a particular part with a particular slide line is achieved by placing the FEMGEN geometry for both the part and the slide line into a set named SLn, where n is an integer between 1 and 99.

The slide line orientation ie. the direction of the surface normal, is implied by the slide line start and end points which in turn is implied by the order in which the user places lines into the SLn set. It is possible to specify the slide line start point directly by assigning a point element variant P-START (FEMGEN P-EL Variant 7) to the desired start point.

Figure 2.4: Example Slide Line Definition
\psfig {,width=5.0in}

Femsys Limited