Mestrelab Research USERS MEETIN
Princeton University
April 19th, 2006, Wednesday, 10 AM
Friend Center, Room 111


10 AM – 10:15 AM– Introduction to MESTRELAB RESEARCH SL,
by Santiago Dominguez, Mestrelab Research SL.

10:15 AM - 10:55 AM - “A New Approach to Automatic Baseline-
Correction of 1D & 2D NMR Data Sets”,
by Dr. Carlos Cobas, Mestrelab Research SL.

10:55 AM – 11:10 AM – Break

11:10 AM – 11:50 AM – “NMR and Molecular Recognition: Some Approaches
to the Study of Ligand Binding to Protein Receptors”, by Dr. Manuel Martín Pastor, Santiago de Compostela University.

11:50 AM – 12:30 PM – “1H Chemical Shift Prediction of Organic Compounds, and an Overview of 13C Prediction”, by Dr. Mehdi Mobli , Modgraph Consultants Ltd.

After 12:30 PM – Software Demo (Mestre-C and NMRPredict) at the NMR lab, room# 20-24, Frick Lab, Chemistry.

Chemistry Reunions '04

IAP course: Microsample NMR March'04

Applications of  Microcoil  NMR Workshop March'03

Picture Gallery from the Microcoil NMR Workshop'03

Some results obtained at Princeton with CapNMR probe















Chemistry Donates Journals to Brazilian Universities

Since July'02, Princeton University has licensed access to the electronic versions of the American Chemical Society's research journals back to their first volumes.  As a result, many of the existing hard copies in the Library became obsolete and had to be disposed of.

As a much better alternative, the Chemistry Library, with the enthusiastic assistance of the NMR facility staff, has made a donation of an extensive and valuable hardcopy collection of ACS Journals and other periodicals, including 51 years of publications of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The NMR staff contacted libraries overseas and various universities in Brazil showed great interest, although shipping costs were estimated at $10,000.    Princeton’s Development Office arranged for a grant from ExxonMobil to cover the freight costs and the Department of  Chemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro will coordinate distribution to Brazilian libraries.   As a result of this concerted effort more than 20 different publications will be shipped to Brazil this fall.

















NMR Facility: Recent Upgrades, Current Status and Capabilities
              Carlos R. N. Pacheco and István Pelczer
              Poster at Chemistry Reunion - May/2001

During 2000-2001, the mid-field cluster of NMR spectrometers underwent an upgrade with the purchase and installation of two brand new instruments: Varian Mercury 300-MHz and Varian INOVA 400-MHz systems. This upgrade was supported by an NIH grant and matching funds from Department of Chemistry and Princeton University. These new machines replaced two 15-years+ old spectrometers.

The mid-field upgrade included a package with additional hardware for the existing 500- and 600-MHz instruments.  A new PFG gradient amplifier (Performa III) for the INOVA-500 allowed the NMR facility to proceed with further enhancement: recently, an order was placed for 400 G/cm diffusion probe. Also, 2H gradient shimming hardware was installed in both instruments.

The 2000/2001 upgrade of the Department's NMR Facility offered a powerful and competitive line-up of modern spectrometers: one Mercury Vx-Works 300-MHz, and INOVA's 400, 500 and 600-MHz instruments, all Varian models. Varian  software (VNMR 6.1B,C) offers a large variation of user-friendly tools for research and educational projects. 




The QE-300, still in operation,
back in Feb'01         












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Princeton University
Department of Chemistry
Frick Lab - Washington Road Princeton, NJ
Fax: (609) 258-6746
István Pelczer, Ph.D.
Senior NMR Spectroscopist
Phone:(609) 258-2342

CP, December 22, 2009
Carlos Pacheco , Ph.D.
Senior NMR Spectroscopist
Phone:(609) 258-1633