A letter from a reader: Putting Second Life to work

November 12, 2007:

I was delighted to read that Princeton has bought virtual real estate in Second Life (Notebook, Oct. 10) and apparently intends to make it both marvelous and useful. This is particularly timely for me. I have just finished my first fiction work, a book called The Virtual Librarian, which I expect to have out by Christmas.

Mainstream America is just waking up to the idea of virtual worlds, and I'm hoping for a little excitement as I use a Second Life promotion firm to initiate publicity for my book. Where better to find potential readers of such a book than in a community of 10 million inhabitants of a virtual world? This may seem too ephemeral a realm for investing solid-world dollars, but The New York Times noted Sept. 16 that IBM is investing $10 million in virtual reality, and Reuters reported $200 million in total industry investment during the past year. So I plan to explore how the new Princeton site can help, with some virtual book-signings, interviews, and discussion groups.

TED ROCKWELL '43 *45 p'70
Chevy Chase, Md.

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