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  1. The Dynamics of Colloidal Systems, The University of Wisconsin Press, 119 pp, 1987.
  2. Colloidal Dispersions, Cambridge University Press, 525 pp, 1989; paperback edition 1991 [with D.A. Saville and W.R. Schowalter].
  3. The Phase Behavior and Dynamics of Colloidal Dispersions, Debye Lecture Notes 2000-01 Utrecht University.

Refereed Journals

  1. “On the effective moduli of composite materials: slender rigid inclusions at dilute concentrations”, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 23, 434-64 (1972) [with A. Acrivos].
  2. “On the effective moduli of composite materials: effect of fiber length and geometry at dilute concentration”, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 24, 581-600 (1973) [with A. Acrivos].
  3. “On the effective moduli of composite materials: experimental study of chopped fiber reinforcement”, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik 24, 838-52 (1973) [with A. Acrivos].
  4. “Low Reynolds number translation of a slender cylinder near a plane wall”, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 9, 81-91 (1975) [with N.J. de Mestre].
  5. “Shear viscosity of native and enzyme hydrolyzed amioca starch pastes”, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 22, 832-40 (1976) [with A. Cruz and D.F. Ollis].
  6. “Low-shear limit of the secondary electroviscous effect”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 55, 590-604 (1976).
  7. “Rods falling near a vertical wall”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 83, 273-87 (1977) [with E.J. Hinch, L.G. Leal, and G. Tieffenbruck].
  8. “The rheology of suspensions of charged rigid spheres”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 85, 209-32 (1978).
  9. “Bulk stresses due to deformation of the electrical double layer around a charged sphere”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 85, 673-83 (1978).
  10. “A model for short residence time hydropyrolyisis of single coal particles”, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 25, 65-80 (1979) [with D.A. Saville and M.I. Greene].
  11. “The low-shear limit of the effective viscosity of a solution of charged macromolecules”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 92, 401-19 (1979).
  12. “The viscoelastic properties of ordered latices: a self-consistent field theory”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 83, 163-77 (1981) [with D.W. Benzing].
  13. “The viscoelastic properties of ordered latices: experiments”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 83, 178-90 (1981) [with D.W. Benzing].
  14. “On the short-residence time hydropyrolysis of single coal particles”, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 27, 859-61 (1981) [with C.E. Ward].
  15. “The effective diffusion coefficient detected by dynamic light scattering”, Journal of Chemical Physics 74, 948-52 (1981) [with A.B. Glendinning].
  16. “Polyelectrolyte Solutions: Counterion condensation and intermolecular interactions”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition 20, 1233-47 (1982).
  17. “A pairwise additive description of sedimentation and diffusion in concentrated suspensions of hard spheres”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 89, 124-43 (1982) [with A.B. Glendinning].
  18. “The retarded van der Waals interaction between spheres”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 89, 563-66 (1982) [with B.A. Pailthorpe].
  19. “A captive sample reactor for kinetic studies of coal pyrolysis and hydropyrolysis on short time scales”, Fuel 61, 1207-12 (1982) [with S.J. Niksa and D.A. Saville].
  20. “The electrostatic repulsion between charged spheres from exact solutions to the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 93, 95-104 (1983) [with A.B. Glendinning].
  21. “Time-resolved weight loss kinetics for the rapid devolatilization of a bituminous coal”, Proceedings of the Nineteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, 1151-57 (1982) [with S.J. Niksa and D.A. Saville).
  22. “Polymer induced phase separations in non-aqueous colloidal suspensions”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 96, 251-67 (1983) [with A.P. Gast and C.K. Hall].
  23. “Phase separations induced in aqueous colloidal suspensions by dissolved polymer”, Faraday Discussions Chemical Society 76, 189-201 (1983) [with A.P. Gast and C.K. Hall].
  24. “The Huggins coefficient as a means of characterizing suspended particles”, Journal of Chemical Society Faraday Transactions 80, 31-41 (1984).
  25. “On the role of heating rate in rapid coal devolatilization”, Proceedings of the Twenty-first Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, pp. 1445-53 (1984) [with S.J. Niksa, L. Heyd and D.A. Saville].
  26. “The mechanism of surface cavitation in polyethylene terephthalate fibers”, in Polymers for Fibers and Elastomers (ed., J.C. Arthur, Jr.), ACS Symposium Series 260, p. 309-24, (1984) [with C.J. Durning, H.D. Weigmann, and L. Rebenfeld].
  27. “Hydrodynamic interactions between two spheres in a Brinkman medium”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 154, 253-68 (1985) [with S. Kim].
  28. “Modeling of porous media by renormalization of the Stokes equations”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 154, 269-86 (1985) [with S. Kim].
  29. “A mathematical model for diffusion with induced crystallization: 1”, Polymer 26, 119-30 (1985) [with C.J. Durning].
  30. “A mathematical model for diffusion with induced crystallization: 2”, Polymer 26, 131-40 (1985) [with C.J. Durning].
  31. “Hard sphere colloidal dispersions: Viscosity as a function of shear rate and volume fraction”, Journal of Chemical Physics 83, 4717-25 (1985) [with C.G. de Kruif, E.M.F. van Iersel, and A. Vrij].
  32. “An experimental and theoretical study of phase transitions in the polystyrene latex and hydroxyethylcellulose system”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 109, 161-71 (1986) [with A.P. Gast and C.K. Hall].
  33. “Integral sorption with induced crystallization”, Polymer Engineering and Science 26, 1066-78 (1986) [with C. J. Durning and L. Rebenfeld].
  34. “Solvent induced crystallization: I. Crystallization kinetics”, Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition 24, 1321-40 (1986) [with C.J. Durning, L. Rebenfeld, and H.D. Weigmann].
  35. “Solvent induced crystallization: II. Morphology”, Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition 24, 1341-60 (1986) [with C.J. Durning, L. Rebenfeld, and H.D. Weigmann].
  36. “Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of concentrated colloidal dispersions: Hard spheres in weak flows”, Journal of Chemical Physics 84, 1815-26 (1986) [with A.P. Gast].
  37. “On the theory of dilute polyelectrolyte solutions: Extensions, refinements, and experimental tests”, Journal of Polymer Science. Polymer Physics Edition 24, 511-33 (1986) [with R.M. Davis].
  38. “Structure and breakup of flocs subjected to fluid stresses: I. Shear experiments”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 113, 399-413 (1986) [with R.C. Sonntag].
  39. “Structure and breakup of flocs subjected to fluid stresses: II. Theory”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 155, 378-89 (1986) [with R.C. Sonntag].
  40. “Time resolved pyrolysis product distribution of softening coals”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals 25, 536-44 (1986) [with J.R. Bautista and D.A. Saville].
  41. “Structure and breakup of flocs subjected to fluid stresses: III. Converging flow experiments”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 115, 390-95 (1987) [with R.C. Sonntag].
  42. “Elastic properties of flocculated networks”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 116, 485-89 (1987) [with R.C. Sonntag].
  43. “The intrinsic viscosity and Huggins coefficient for potassium polystyrene sulfonate solutions”, Macromolecules 20, 518-25 (1987) [with R.M. Davis].
  44. “The rheology of dilute suspensions of rigid rods in weak flows”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 180, 475-94 (1987) [with D.H. Berry].
  45. “Thermodynamics and hydrodynamics in a non-ionic microemulsion”, Colloids and Surfaces 26, 171-90 (1987) [with D.B. Siano, J. Bock, and P. Myer].
  46. “Theoretical approaches to the rheology of concentrated dispersions”, PowderTechnology 51, 15-25 (1987).
  47. “Effective medium approximation for an elastic network model of flocculated suspensions”, Journal of Rheology 31, 651-81 (1987) [with S. Mall].
  48. “A model of crystal growth in the sedimentation and ultrafiltration of colloidal hard spheres”, Advances in Ceramics 21, 573-85 (1987) [with K.E. Davis].
  49. “The rheology of polystyrene latices phase separated by dextran”, Journal of Rheology 31, 599-618 (1987) [with P.D. Patel].
  50. “Simplified predictions of Hamaker constants from Lifshitz theory”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 125, 1-13 (1988) [with D.C. Prieve].
  51. “The resolution of shocks and the effects of compressible sediments in transient settling”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 195, 437-62 (1988) [with F.M. Auzerais and R. Jackson].
  52. “A mean field theory for the rheology of phase separated or flocculated dispersions”, Colloids and Surfaces 31, 355-83 (1988) [with P.D. Patel].
  53. “Self-consistent field model of polymer adsorption: Generalized formulation and ground state solutions”, Macromolecules 21, 1075-85 (1988) [with H.J. Ploehn and C.K. Hall].
  54. “Radial penetration of viscous liquid into a planar anisotropic porous medium”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow 14, 203-15 (1988) [with K.L. Adams and L. Rebenfeld].
  55. “The dichroism and birefringence of a hard sphere suspension under shear”, Journal of Chemical Physics 89, 1580-87 (1988) [with N.J. Wagner and G.G. Fuller].
  56. “Self-consistent field model of polymer adsorption: Matched asymptotic expansion describing tails”, Macromolecules 22, 266-76 (1988) [with H.J. Ploehn].
  57. “An experimental study of aqueous suspensions containing dissolved polymer: Part A. Phase Separation”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 131, 192-200 (1989) [with P.D. Patel].
  58. “An experimental study of aqueous suspensions containing dissolved polymer: Part B. Rheology”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 131, 201-10 (1989) [with P.D. Patel].
  59. “A two component model for the phase behavior of dispersions containing associative polymer”, Macromolecules 22, 1317-25 (1989) [with M.M. Santore and R.K. Prud'homme].
  60. “Sedimentation of lyophobic silica spheres”, Ceramics Transactions 1B, 693-700 (1988) [with K.E. Davis].
  61. “An asymptotic description of transient settling and ultrafiltration of colloidal dispersions”, Physics of Fluids A 1, 82-100 (1989) [with K.E. Davis].
  62. “Comparison of small shear flow - small wave vector static structure factor data with theory”, Journal of Chemical Physics 90, 3250-53 (1989) [with B.J. Ackerson, C.G. de Kruif, and N.J. Wagner].
  63. “Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of concentrated colloidal dispersions: Hard spheres in weak flows with many-body thermodynamic interactions”, Physica A 155, 475-518 (1989) [with N.J. Wagner].
  64. “The rheology of suspensions containing polymerically stabilized particles”, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 35, 415-22 (1989) [with J. Mewis, W.J. Frith, and T.A. Strivens].
  65. “Disorder-to-order transition in settling suspensions of colloidal silica: X-ray measurements”, Science 245, 507-10 (1989) [with K.E. Davis and W.J. Glantschnig].
  66. “On the dynamics of the disorder-order transition”, Phase Transitions 21, 127-37 (1990).
  67. “Light scattering measurements of a hard-sphere suspension under shear”, Physics of Fluids A 2, 491-502 (1990) [with N.J. Wagner].
  68. “A one-component model for the phase behavior of dispersions containing associative polymers”, Macromolecules 23, 3821-32 (1990) [with M.M. Santore and R.K. Prud'homme].
  69. “The transient settling of stable and flocculated dispersions”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 221, 613-39 (1990) [with F.M. Auzerais, R. Jackson, and W.F. Murphy, III].
  70. “An experimental and theoretical study of phase transitions induced in colloidal dispersions by associative polymers”, Faraday Discussion 90, 323-33 (1990) [with M.M. Santore and R.K. Prud'homme].
  71. “Settling suspensions of colloidal silica: Observations and x-ray measurements”, Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions 87, 411-24 (1991) [with K.E. Davis and W.J. Glantschnig].
  72. “Characteristics of flocculated silica dispersions”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 141, 564-77 (1991) [with M. Chen].
  73. “Floc structure and growth kinetics for rapid shear coagulation of polystyrene colloids”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 142, 554-74 (1991) [with F.E. Torres and W. R. Schowalter].
  74. “Simulations of coagulation in viscous flows”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 145, 51-73 (1991) [with F.E. Torres and W.R. Schowalter].
  75. “Diffusion, dispersion, and settling of hard spheres”, Physical Review Letters 69, 1715-18 (1992) [with J.-Z Xue, E. Herbolzheimer, M.A. Rutgers, and P.M. Chaikin].
  76. “Filtration at large pressures for strongly flocculated suspensions”, Physics of Fluids A 5, 550-60 (1993) [with K.A. Landman].
  77. “Volume fraction dependence of elastic moduli and transition temperatures for colloidal silca gels”, Physical Review E 47, 2606-14 (1993) [with M.C. Grant].
  78. “Effect of microstructure on the viscosity of hard sphere dispersions and modulus of composites”, Progress in Organic Coatings 23, 305-24 (1994) [with P.R. Sperry].
  79. “Colloidal gel filtration”, American Institute of Chemical Engineers Journal 40, 1876-91 (1994) [with C. Shen and F.M. Auzerais].
  80. “High frequency modulus of hard sphere colloids”, Journal of Rheology 38, 1885-1908 (1994) [with R.A. Lionberger].
  81. “Crystalline fluidized beds”, Physical Review E 51, 4674-78(1995) [with M.A. Rutgers, J.Z. Xue, E. Herbolzheimer, and P.M. Chaikin].
  82. “Hydrodynamic interaction of particles with grafted polymer brushes and applications to rheology of colloidal dispersions”, Physical Review E 52, 730-37 (1995) [with A.A. Potanin].
  83. “Fractal model of consolidation of weakly flocculated dispersions”, Physical Review E 53, 3702-09 (1996) [with A.A. Potanin].
  84. “Phase transition, equation of state, and limiting shear viscosities of hard sphere dispersions”, Physical Review E 54, 6633-45 (1996) [with S.-E. Phan, Z. Cheng, J. Zhu, P.M. Chaikin, J.H. Dunsmuir, and R.H. Ottewill].
  85. “Measurement of the hard sphere equation of state using screened charged polystyrene colloids”, Physical Review B 53, 5043-46 (1996) [with M.A. Rutgers, J. Dunsmuir, and P.M. Chaikin].
  86. “Effectiveness of non-equilibrium closures for the many-body forces in concentrated colloidal dispersions”,Journal of Chemical Physics 106, 402-16 (1997) [with R.A. Lionberger].
  87. “Neutral and charged polymer brushes; A model unifying curvature effects from micelles to flat surfaces” Macromolecules 30, 1787-92 (1997) [with C. Biver, R. Hariharan, and J. Mays].
  88. “A Smoluchoski theory with simple approximations for hydrodynamic interactions in concentrated dispersions” Journal of Rheology 41, 399-425 (1997) [with R.A. Lionberger].
  89. “Corrections to strong stretching theories”, Macromolecules 30, 5541-5552 (1997) [with J.L. Goveas and S.T. Milner].
  90. “Crystallization of hard sphere colloids in m-gravity”, Nature 387, 883-85 (1997) [with J. Zhu, M. Li, R. Rogers, W.V. Meyer, R.H. Ottewill, Crew Space Shuttle Columbia, and P.M. Chaikin].
  91. “Dendritic growth of hard sphere crystals”, Langmuir 13, 3871-81 (1997) [with J. Zhu, R. Rogers, W.V. Meyer, and P.M. Chaikin].
  92. “Phase behavior and viscoelasticity of AOT microemulsions containing triblock copolymers” Macromolecules 30, 6120-26 (1997). [with U. Batra, M. Pitsikalis, S. Sioula, J.W. Mays, and J.S. Huang].
  93. “Late stages of ‘pearling’ instability in lipid bilayers” Journal de Physique II 7, 1185-1204 (1997) [with J. L. Goveas and S.T. Milner].
  94. “Compact laser light-scattering instrument for microgravity research” Applied Optics 36, 7493-7500 (1997) (cover photo) [with R.B. Rogers, W.V. Meyer, J. Zhu, P.M. Chaikin, M. Li, and W.B. Turner].
  95. “The effects of adsorbed layers and solution polymer on the viscosity of dispersions containing associative polymers”, Journal of Rheology 42, 159-76 (1998) [with Q.T. Pham and W. Lau].
  96. “High frequency modulus of dispersions of polymerically stabilized colloids”, Journal of Rheology, 42, 361-78 (1998) [with S.L. Elliott].
  97. “Effects of polydispersity on hard sphere crystals”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 108, 9789-95 (1998) [with S.-E. Phan, J. Zhu, and P.M. Chaikin].
  98. “Horizontal drying fronts during solvent evaporation from latex films”, AIChE Journal, 44, 2088-98 (1998)[with A.F. Routh].
  99. “Micellar solutions of associative polymers: Entropic attraction and gas-liquid transition”, Macromolecules, 32, 2996-3005 (1999) [with Q.T. Pham, J.C. Thibeault and W. Lau].
  100. “Ionic strength and curvature effects in flat and highly curved polyelectrolyte brushes”, Macromolecules, 31, 7504-13 (1998) [with R. Hariharan, C. Biver, and J. Mays].
  101. “Ionic strength effects in polyelectrolyte brushes: the counterion correction”, Macromolecules, 31, 7514-18 (1998) [with R. Hariharan and C. Biver].
  102. “Viscosity anomaly and pair interactions in AOT microemulsions”, Langmuir 15, 3718-25 (1999) [with U. Batra and J.S. Huang].
  103. “Enhanced stabilization via diblock copolymer adsorption from a non-selective theta solvent”, Langmuir 14, 7104-11 (1998) [with R. Hariharan].
  104. “Micellar solutions of associative polymers: the relationship between structure and rheology”, Macromolecules 32, 5139-46 (1999) [with Q.T. Pham, J.C. Thibeault, W. Lau].
  105. “Linear viscoelasticity of hard sphere colloidal crystals from resonance detected with dynamic light scattering”, Physical Review E 60, 1988-98 (1999) [with S.-E. Phan, M. Li, J. Zhu, P.M. Chaikin, and C.L. Lant].
  106. “A process model for latex film formation: limiting regimes for individual driving forces”, Langmuir 15, 7762-73 (1999) [with A.F. Routh].
  107. “Polymeric and colloidal modes of relaxation in latex dispersions containing associative triblock copolymers”, Journal of Rheology 43, 1599-1615 (1999) [with Q.T. Pham, J.C. Thibeault, and W. Lau].
  108. “Distinguishing between dynamic yielding and wall slip in a weakly flocculated colloidal dispersion”, Colloids and Surfaces A 161, 271-82 (2000) [with M.C. Grant].
  109. “Dispersions containing PEO with C16 hydrophobes: adsorption and rheology”, Associative Polymers in Aqueous Media (Ed. J.E. Glass), ACS Symp. Ser. Vol. 765, pp. 221-38 (2000) [with Q.T. Pham, J.C. Thibeault, and W. Lau].
  110. “Controlled growth of hard-sphere colloidal crystals crystals”, Nature 401, 893-95 (1999) [with Z. Cheng and P.M. Chaikin].
  111. “Phase behavior of styrene-isoprene diblock derivatives with varying conformational asymmetry”, Macromolecules 33, 3461-66 (2000) [with C. Lai and R.A. Register].
  112. “Phonons in an entropic crystal”, Physical Review Letters 85, 1460-63 (2000) [with Z. Cheng, J. Zhu, and P.M. Chaikin].
  113. “End-capped associative polymer chains between nanospheres: Attractions in ideal solutions”, Macromolecules 33, 5713-20 (2000) [with S.R. Bhatia].
  114. “Process model for latex film formation: Optical clarity fronts”, Journal of Coatings Technology, 73, (916) 41-48 (2001) [with A.F. Routh, J. Tang, and M.S. El-Aasser].
  115. “Deformation mechanisms during latex film formation: Experimental evidence”, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 40, 4302-08 (2001) [with A.F. Routh].
  116. “Interaction of hydrophobically modified polymers and surfactant lamellar phase”, Langmuir 17, 5834-41 (2001) [with B.-S. Yang, J. Lal, P. Richetti, C.M. Marques, and R.K. Prud’homme].
  117. “Phase diagram of hard spheres”, Journal of Materials and Design 22, 529-34 (2001) [with Z. Cheng, P.M. Chaikin, W.V. Meyer, J. Zhu, R. Rogers, R.H. Ottewill].
  118. “Phonons in colloidal crystals”, Europhysics Letters 58, 699-704 (2002) [with R.S. Penciu, M. Kafesaki, G. Fytas, E.N. Economou, W. Steffen, A. Hollingsworth].
  119. “Colloidal hard-sphere crystallization kinetics in microgravity and normal gravity”, Applied Optics 40, 4146-51 (2001) [with Z. Cheng, J. Zhu, W.V. Meyer, P.M. Chaikin].
  120. “Linear stability analysis of thin leaky dielectric films subjected to electric fields”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 102, 233-50 (2002) [with L.F. Pease III].
  121. “Crystallization kinetics of hard spheres in microgravity in the coexistence regime: Interactions between growing crystallites”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 015501 (2002) [with Z. Cheng, P.M. Chaikin, J. Zhu, W.V. Meyer].
  122. “Nature of the divergence in low shear viscosity of colloidal hard-sphere dispersions”, Physical Review E 65, 041405 (2002) [with Z. Cheng, J. Zhu, P.M. Chaikin, and S.-E. Phan].
  123. “Viscoelastic properties of entangled star polymer melts: Comparison of theory and experiment”, Macromolecules 35, 169-77 (2002) [with D.A. Vega, J.M. Sebastian, and R.A. Register].
  124. “Phase behavior of styrene-isoprene diblock copolymers in strongly selective solvents”, Macromolecules 35, 841-49 (2002) [with C. Lai and R.A. Register].
  125. “Interaction of surfactant lamellar phase and a strictly alternating comb-graft amphiphilic polymer based on PEG”, Langmuir 17, 6692-98 (2001) [with B.-S. Yang, J. Lal, J. Kohn, J.S. Huang, and R.K Prud’homme].
  126. “Neutron spin-echo study of dynamics of hydrophobically modified polymer-doped surfactant bilayers”, Langmuir 18, 6-13 (2002) [with B.-S. Yang, J. Lal, M. Mihailescu , M. Monkenbusch, D. Richter, J.S. Huang, J. Kohn, and R.K. Prud’homme].
  127. “Scaling of domain spacing in concentrated solutions of block copolymers in selective solvents”, Macromolecules 35, 4044-49 (2002) [with C. Lai and R.A. Register].
  128. “Creating periodic three-dimensional structures by multibeam interference of visible laser”, Chemistry of Materials 14, 2831-33 (2002) [with S. Yang, M. Megens, J. Aizenberg, P. Wiltzius, and P.M. Chaikin].
  129. “Electrostatically induced submicron patterning of thin perfect and leaky dielectric films: generalized linear stability analysis”, Journal of Chemical Physics 118, 3790-3803 (2003) [with L.F. Pease III].
  130. “Electrophoresis of spherical polymer-coated colloidal particles”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 258, 56-74 (2003) [with R.J. Hill and D.A. Saville].
  131. “High-frequency dielectric relaxation of spherical colloidal particles”, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics 5, 911–15 (2003) [with R.J. Hill and D.A. Saville].
  132. “Polarizability and complex conductivity of dilute suspensions of spherical colloidal particles with uncharged (neutral) polymer coatings”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 268, 230-45 (2003) [with R.J. Hill and D.A. Saville].
  133. “Polarizability and complex conductivity of dilute suspensions of spherical colloidal particles with charged (polyelectrolyte) coatings”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 263, 478-97 (2003) [with R.J. Hill and D.A. Saville].
  134. “On measurement of ‘tack’ for adhesives”, Physics of Fluids 15, 1588-605 (2003) [with M. Tirumkudulu and T.J. Huang].
  135. “Measuring the ‘tack’ of waterborne adhesives”, Journal of Rheology 47, 1399-415 (2003) [with M. Tirumkudulu and T.J. Huang].
  136. “Telechelic associative polymers: Interactions between strongly stretched planar adsorbed layers”, Macromolecules 36, 10112-119 (2003) [with X.X. Meng].
  137. “Control of colloids with gravity, temperature gradients, and electric fields”, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 15, S11-S18 (2003) [with M. Sullivan, K. Zhao, C. Harrison, R.H. Austin, M. Megens, A. Hollingsworth, Z. Cheng, T. Mason, and P.M. Chaikin].
  138. “Limitations on length scales for electrostatically induced submicron pillars and holes”, Langmuir 20, 795-804 (2004) [with L.F. Pease III].
  139. “Cylindrically symmetric electrohydrodynamic patterning”, Physical Review E 70, 041601 (2004) [with P. Deshpande, L.F. Pease III , L. Chen, and S.Y. Chou].
  140. “Role of capillary stresses in film formation”, Langmuir 20, 2947-61 (2004) [with M. Tirumkudulu].
  141. “Structure and size of spherical micelles of telechelic polymers”, Macromolecules 38, 593-600 (2005) [with X.X. Meng].
  142. “Cracking in drying latex films”, Langmuir 21, 4938-48 (2005) [with M. Tirumkudulu].
  143. “Experiments on random packings of ellipsoids”, Physical Review Letters 94, 198001 (2005) [with W.N. Man, A. Donev, F.H. Stillinger, M.T. Sullivan, D. Heeger, S. Inati, S. Torquato, P.M. Chaikin].
  144. “Reversible self-assembly and directed assembly of DNA-linked micrometer-sized colloids”, Proc. National Academy of Sciences US 102, 4225-29 (2005) [with M.P. Valignat, O. Theodoly, J.C. Crocker, P.M. Chaikin].
  145. “Dynamics of the formation of polymeric microstructures induced by electrohydrodynamic instability”, Applied Physics Letters 86, 241912 (2005) [with N. Wu].
  146. “Telechelic associative polymers: Interaction potential and high frequency modulus”, Journal of Rheology 50, 169-87 (2006) [with X.X. Meng].
  147. “Rheology of telechelic associative polymers in aqueous solutions”, Journal of Rheology 50, 189-205 (2006), [with X.X. Meng].
  148. “Electric-field induced patterns in thin polymer films: Weakly nonlinear and fully nonlinear evolution” Langmuir 21, 12290-302 (2005) [with N. Wu and L.F. Pease III].
  149. “Effect of hydrophobically modified polymers on shear-induced multilamellar vesicles” Langmuir 21, 10038-045 (2005) [with B.-S. Yang and R.K. Prud’homme].
  150. “An electric bottle for colloids”, Physical Review Letters 96, 015703 (2006) [with M.T. Sullivan, K. Zhao, A.D. Hollingsworth, R.H. Austin, and P.M. Chaikin].
  151. “Electrohydrodynamic instability of dielectric bilayers: Kinetics and thermodynamics” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 45, 5455-65 (2006) [with N. Wu].
  152. “Charge driven, electrohydrodynamic patterning of thin films”, Journal of Chemical Physics 125, 184716 (2006) [with L.F. Please III].
  153. “Toward large-scale alignment of electrohydrodynamic patterning of thin polymer films”, Advanced Functional Materials 16, 1992-99 (2006) [with N. Wu and L.F. Pease III].

Major Reviews

  1. “A review of the role of colloidal forces in the rheology of suspensions”, Journal of Rheology 24, 287-317 (1980).
  2. “Brownian motion of particles suspended in liquids”, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics (ed., van Dyke) 13, 425-55 (1981).
  3. “Effects of interactions between particles on the rheology of dispersions”, Theory of Dispersed Multiphase Flow (ed. R.E. Meyer) Academic Press, p. 1-34,
  4. “Interactions between colloidal particles and soluble polymer”, Advances in Chemical Engineering 15, 137-228 (1990) [with H.J. Ploehn].
  5. “Dynamics of concentrated colloidal dispersions: Statistical mechanical approaches”, Particulate Two-Phase Flows (ed., M.C. Roco), Butterworths, Chapter 17, 567-620,
  6. “Simple ordering in complex fluids”, Physics Today, pp. 24-30, December 1998 (cover photo) [with A.P. Gast].
  7. “Microscopic theories of the rheology of stable colloidal dispersions”, Advances in Chemical Physics, (ed. I. Prigogine and S.A. Rice) 111, 399-474 (2000) [with R.A. Lionberger].
  8. “Condensed matter physics: Tunable colloidal crystals”, Nature 421 490-91 (2003).

Other Reviews and Unrefereed Publications

  1. “A course in colloidal phenomena”, Chemical Engineering Education 13, No. 4 176-9 (1979) [with D.A. Saville, D.F. Ollis and W.R. Schowalter].
  2. “Formulation and processing of colloidal dispersions”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 177, 281-90 (1990).
  3. “Controlling the rheology of colloidal dispersions through the interparticle potential”, Ceramic Powder Science III, 361-73 (1990).
  4. “Concentrated colloidal dispersions”, MRS Bulletin 16, (8), 27-31 (1991).
  5. “Fluid mechanics and transport research in chemical engineering”, Advances in Chemical Engineering 16, 81-95 (1991).
  6. “Macroscopic consequences of polymer-particle interactions”, Colloid-Polymer Interactions (ed. P.L. Dubin and P. Tong) ACS Symposum Series 532, 1-12 (1993).
  7. “Mesoscopic structure and rheology in colloids, polymer liquid crystals,block copolymers, and surfaces”, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 1, 447-50 (1996) [with J.W. Goodwin].
  8. “Rheology and rheological techniques”, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 2, 409-11 (1997) [with J.W. Goodwin].
  9. “Laboratory Profile: Princeton Materials Institute”, Supramolecular Sciences 5, 167-172 (1998).
  10. “Associated and Polymerically Stabilized Dispersions, Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems, AIP Conf. Proc. 469 (ed. M. Tokuyama and I. Oppenheim), AIP (1998), pp. 23-33 [with R.A. Lionberger and S.L. Elliott].
  11. “SANS study of associative triblocks in microemulsion solutions”, Journal of Applied Crystallography 33 614-617 (2000) [with S.R. Bhatia and J. Lal].