Art of Science 2011 Gallery

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Study the science of art and the art of science.
--Leonardo da Vinci

The Art of Science exhibition explores the interplay between science and art. These practices both involve the pursuit of those moments of discovery when what you perceive suddenly becomes more than the sum of its parts. Each piece in this exhibition is, in its own way, a record of such a moment.

This is the fifth Art of Science competition hosted by Princeton University. The 2011 competition drew 168 submissions from 20 departments. The exhibit includes work by undergraduates, faculty, research staff, graduate students, and alumni.

The 56 works chosen for the 2011 Art of Science exhibition represent this year’s theme of “intelligent design” which we interpret in the broadest sense. These extraordinary images are not art for art’s sake. Rather, they were produced during the course of scientific research. Entries were chosen for their aesthetic excellence as well as scientific or technical interest.

We thank all those who submitted their work to this year’s competition. We are inspired by the breadth of their creativity as expressed both in their scientific research and in the artistic fruits of that research.

We are grateful to our sponsors, without whose support this competition could not have taken place: The Lewis Center, Princeton Institute for Computational Science and Engineering (PICSciE), Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, the Office of the Dean for Research, the Princeton Art Museum, and the School of Engineering and Applied Science, and the David A. Gardner '69 Fund in the Humanities Council.

Special thanks also to our distinguished panel of judges: David Dobkin, Dean of the Faculty; Joel Smith, Curator of Photography at the Art Museum; and Shirley M. Tilghman, President.

Thanks also to the many people who contributed to this massive effort: Neil Adelantar, Laurel Cantor, Damaris Chenoweth, Fanny Chouinard, Robert Clark, Andrea Clay, Ian Cahir, Michael Chupa, Paul Csogi, Pablo Debenedetti, Dale Grieb, Jim Elbrecht, Karla Ewalt, Christine Fairsmith, Karen Flamard, Maria Florevel Fusin-Wischusen, Christine Gage, Linda Geraci, Emmet Gowin, Caroline Harris, Mark Harris, Susan Kalmbach, Robert Kennedy, Nicola Knipe, Christine Lian, Eric Litostansky, Michael Littman, Kitta MacPherson, Rory Mahon, Andrea Mameniskis, Carol Peters, Eric Quinones, Candy Reed, Carol Rigolot, Raphael Rosen, Steven Schultz, Lynn Shostack, A.J. Stewart Smith, Ruth Stevens, Annette Tate, Jeroen Tromp, Evelyn Tu, Barbara Valenza, Mike Viola, Holly Welles, Maggie Westergaard, Patti Wieser and Catherine Zandonella.

-- 2011 Art of Science organizers: Zach Donnell, Department of Molecular Biology; Adam Finkelstein, Department of Computer Science; Christina Gupfinger '12, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Teresa Riordan, School of Engineering and Applied Science; and Andrew Zwicker, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. We are also grateful for the help and advice of the founding members organizers from 2005 and 2006: Andrew Moore, Alex Halderman, Kati Lovasz, Adam Finkelstein, Jonathan Harris and Perry Cook.

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Design by Jonathan Harris and Grady Klein.