Computer Engineering

Princeton University
CAD Projects
at Princeton University

Verma Lab

1. Biomedical systems for sensing and analyzing physically-complex signals
2. Large-area electronics for extensive physical interfacing
3. Resilient electronics based on information-processing principles

Jha Lab

Sengupta Lab

1. Integrated RF, THz and electronic-photonic circuits and systems
2. Lab-on-CMOS-chip and electromagnetic (DC-optical) interfaces for bio-sensing and bio-actuations
3. Digitally assisted RF and mm-Wave integrated systems for next-generation self-healing, reconfigurable and cognitive wireless communication systems

Wentzlaff Lab

Lee Lab

Malik Lab

Download links for project software

1. ALLCN - A logic-to-layout CAD tool based on carbon nanotube FETs
2. TGG - Task Graph Extraction for Embedded System Synthesis
3. RMRLS - A positive-polarity Reed-Muller expression based reversible logic synthesis tool
4. TELS/MALS - Logic synthesis tools for threshold and majority logic synthesis
5. FinCANON - A PVT-Aware Integrated Delay and Power Modeling Framework for FinFET-based Caches and On-Chip Networks