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PRISM/MITRE Quantum Engineering & Sensing Seminar Series: 2010

This seminar series expands upon the highly successful lunch-time Quantum Computation series co-sponsored by PCTS and MITRE. The series emphasizes the engineering of quantum systems and ways in which quantum entanglement and concepts from quantum information science and engineering can be used for higher sensitivity and resolution sensing.  

Co-sponsored by PRISM and the MITRE corporation.
Organizers: Gerry Gilbert (MITRE), Andrew Houck, Steve Lyon, Yaakov Weinstein (MITRE).

Day: Mondays

Time: Pizza & sandwiches at noon, seminar starts at 12:30pm

Place: Bowen Hall Auditorium (lunch in atrium)

This Google calendar is public access, and may be imported into other calendaring applications.If you are coming from off campus and need to find Bowen Hall, click the link above. Google's map takes you either to a "Bowen" in Arkansas, or one in South Carolina.

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