Solids: Thermodynamics and Bonding

Table of Contents




Properties associated with Covalent Solids

· The directional- and strong-bonding yields materials that are rigid and hard, with high melting points. The low melting points of polymers come from the secondary bonds linking the polymer chains.
· The electrons are shared between the atoms giving rise to materials that are electronic insulators or semiconductors.
· The bound electrons give strong absorption of light above intrinsic absorption edge (ultra-violet or visible wavelengths).
· When pure, the crystalline solids are transparent at infrared wavelengths.
· They may be elemental or compound solids.
· Binding energy (eV per molecule): Si -> 3.7; InSb -> 3.5;
Diamond -> 7.5; SiC -> 12.4
· Crystal structures: Diamond, Si, -> Diamond Cubic; SiC -> Hexagonal (Wurtzite); InSb -> Cubic (Zinc Blende), with nearest neighbor distance:
Si -> 0.235 nm; InSb -> 0.28 nm; Diamond -> 0.154