[OTA LOGO] OTA Publications

Topical list

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Remote sensing

See also Climate change; Space

Civilian Satellite Remote Sensing: A Strategic Approach (September 1994)
Data Format Standards for Civilian Remote Sensing Satellites (May 1993)
The Future of Remote Sensing From Space: Civilian Satellite Systems and Applications (July 1993)
Global Change Research and NASA's Earth Observing System (November 1993)
Reducing the Costs of Collecting Meteorological Data: A Workshop Summary (June 1995)
Remote Sensing and the Private Sector: Issues for Discussion (March 1984)
Remotely Sensed Data From Space: Distribution, Pricing, and Applications (July 1992)
Remotely Sensed Data: Technology, Management and Markets (September 1994)

Research and development

See also Agricultural technology; AIDS/HIV infection; Biological research and technology; Communications; Economic development; Information technology; Science and technology; Transportation

Applications of R&D in the Civil Sector: The Opportunity Provided by the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 (June 1978)
An Assessment of Technology for Local Development (January 1981)
Construction and Materials Research and Development for the Nation's Public Works (June 1987)
The Effectiveness of Research and Experimentation Tax Credits (September 1995)
Federally Funded Research: Decisions for a Decade (May 1991)
Foreign Eligibility for U.S. Technology Funding (September 1995)
Government Involvement in the Innovation Process: A Contractor's Report to the Office of Technology Assessment (August 1978)
The Health of the Scientific and Technical Enterprise: An Advisory Panel Report to the Office of Technology Assessment (October 1978)
A History of the Department of Defense Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (June 1995)
Information Systems Related to Technology Transfer: A Report on Federal Technology Transfer in the United States (September 1993)
Proposal Pressure in the 1980s: An Indicator of Stress on the Federal Research System (April 1990)
Quality and Relevance of Research and Related Activities at the Gorges Memorial Laboratory (August 1983)
Research Funding as an Investment: Can We Measure the Returns? (April 1986)
The Role of Demonstrations in Federal R&D Policy (July 1978)

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