[OTA LOGO] OTA Publications

Topical list

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Science and technology

See also Biological research and technology; Competitiveness; Computer technology; Economic development; Education; Information technology; Law and law enforcement technology; Research and development

Biology, Medicine, and the Bill of Rights (September 1988)
Biomedical Ethics in U.S. Public Policy (June 1993)
Book Preservation Technologies (May 1988)
Global Models, World Futures, and Public Policy: A Critique (April 1982)
Impact of a Department of Education on Federal Science and Technology Activities (August 1978)
International Partnerships in Large Science Projects (July 1995)
Perspectives on the Role of Science and Technology in Sustainable Development (September 1994)
Proceedings: Technology and Governance in the 1990s. Papers Presented at the OTA 20th Anniversary Forum on Technology and Governance in the 1990s (April 1993)
The Regulatory Environment for Science (February 1986)
Science, Technology, and the Constitution (September 1987)
Science, Technology, and the First Amendment (January 1988)
Technology Assessment Activities in the Industrial, Academic, and Governmental Communities (December 1976)
Technology Assessment in Business and Government (January 1977)

Solar power

Application of Solar Technology to Today's Energy Needs-Vol. I (June 1978)
Application of Solar Technology to Today's Energy Needs-Vol. II (September 1978)
Conservation and Solar Energy Programs of the Department of Energy: A Critique (June 1980)
Solar Power Satellites (August 1981)


See also Climate change; Competitiveness; International relations and technology transfer; Remote sensing

Access to Space: The Future of U.S. Space Transportation Systems (April 1990)
Affordable Spacecraft: Design and Launch Alternatives (January 1990)
Big Dumb Boosters: A Low-Cost Space Transportation Option? (February 1989)
Civilian Space Policy and Applications (June 1982)
Civilian Space Stations and the U.S. Future in Space (November 1984)
Commercial Newsgathering From Space (May 1987)
Exploring the Moon and Mars: Choices for the Nation (July 1991)
International Cooperation and Competition in Civilian Space Activities (June 1985)
Launch Options for the Future: A Buyer's Guide (July 1988)
The Lower Tiers of the Space Transportation Industrial Base (August 1995)
NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications: Process, Priorities and Goals (January 1992)
The National Space Transportation Policy: Issues for Congress (May 1995)
Orbiting Debris: A Space Environmental Problem (October 1990)
Reducing Launch Operation Costs: New Technologies and Practices (September 1988)
Round Trip to Orbit: Human Spaceflight Alternatives (August 1989)
SALYUT: Soviet Steps Toward Permanent Human Presence in Space (December 1983)
Space Science Research in the United States (September 1982)
Space Stations and the Law: Selected Legal Issues (August 1986)
U.S.-Russian Cooperation in Space (April 1995)
U.S.-Soviet Cooperation in Space (July 1985)
UNISPACE '82: A Context for International Cooperation and Competition (March 1983)

Substance abuse and addiction

See also AIDS/HIV infection; Health and health technology; Pharmaceuticals

Biological Components of Substance Abuse and Addiction (September 1993)
The Effectiveness and Costs of Alcoholism Treatment (March 1983)
Technologies for Understanding and Preventing Substance Abuse and Addiction (September 1994)


See also Materials

Commercializing High-Temperature Superconductivity (June 1988)
High-Temperature Superconductivity in Perspective (April 1990)


See also Hazardous waste; Waste management

Are We Cleaning Up? 10 Superfund Case Studies (June 1988)
Assessing Contractor Use in Superfund (January 1989)
Coming Clean: Superfund Problems Can Be Solved... (October 1989)
Superfund Strategy (April 1985)

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