Code from publications

MATLAB code to implement various algorithms. If you make use of this code in a publication please cite the corresponding articles. I have only tested these on my own machine (MacBook Pro running 10.7, Matlab 2012b) and it is possible they may require toolboxes not available to you. If you have problems running the scripts please let me know.
Change-point algorithms described in Wilson, R. C., Nassar, M. R., & Gold, J. I. (2010). Bayesian online learning of the hazard rate in change-point problems. Neural Computation, 22(9), 2452-2476
Parallel Hopfield network implementation from Wilson, R. C. (2009). Parallel Hopfield networks. Neural Computation, 21(3), 831-850

Useful MATLAB functions

Small but useful functions
saveFigurePdf.m A function for saving pdf figures in MATLAB with paper size set to the size of the figure. Can also deal with the issue of blurry rendering of some pdfs on macs.
addABCs.m A function for adding letter labels to axes.