Republic of Iraq

Chair: Omar Muakkassa
Director: Pritha Ghosh

Background Guide: Download [PDF]
Committee Positions: Download [DOC]

Iraq should certainly prove to be one of the most fast paced and exhilarating committees of PICSim '06. At this point in time, less than a year before the conference, it is utterly impossible to predict how the dynamics will play out. Recently held elections and appointments have shown Iraq 's complexities. A slow, violent and arduous election process has produced a highly factionalized government. Each governmental branch is controlled by different interests: Finance and Oil to the Shias, Defense to the Sunnis, and Foreign Affairs to the Kurds. This government is set to produce a constitution by August with new elections scheduled for December.

Thrown into the cauldron of factionalist division is a long, painful history of suppression of Kurds and Shias by Sunnis under the regime of Saddam Hussein. Aside from major internal friction, Iraq , in many ways, will be the center stage for the geopolitical simulation next Februrary. In addition to bridging Sunni-dominated Arab lands of Jordan , Saudi Arabia and Egypt with the Shia-dominated Iran , Iraq now serves as a major conduit of Western policy in the Middle East . The unpredictability, factionalism and pivotal role of Iraq requires self-motivated delegates who will not shy away from taking any means necessary to achieve their goals.

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