Working Papers

Older Papers (Permanent Unpublished Working Papers):

  1. Business Cycle Properties of Selected U.S. Economic Time Series, 1959-1988 (with James H. Stock), NBER WP 3376 1990.
  2. Confidence Sets in Regressions with Highly Serially Correlated Regressors (with James H. Stock), Revised December 1996.
  3. Empirical Bayes Regression With Many Regressors (with Thomas Knox and James H. Stock), Revised January 2004.
  4. Optimal Tests for Reduced Rank Time Variation in Regression Coefficients and Level Variation in the Multivariate Local Level Model (with Piotr Eliasz and James H. Stock), Revised October 2004.
  5. Implications of Dynamic Factor Models for VAR Analysis (with James H. Stock), Revised June 2005.
  6. Measuring Changes in the Value of the Numeraire (with Ricardo Reis), May 2007.
  7. Comovement of Economic Activity During the Covid Recession (with Danila Maroz and James Stock), December 2021.

Newer Papers:

  1. Testing Coefficient Variability in Spatial Regression (with Ulrich Müller), April 2024.
  2. Low-Frequency Analysis of Economic Time Series (with Ulrich Müller ), (October 2019) Revised May 2024, Draft Chapter for the Handbook of Econometrics, Vol. 7, edited by S. Durlauf, L.P. Hansen, J.J. Heckman, and R. Matzkin.
  3. Time Varying Extremes (with Ulrich Müller), Revised September 2024, Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.