CEG Board
Bin Guo Bin Guo
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: binguo@Princeton.EDU
Current Place of Work: Princeton University
Current Position: PhD Candidate

Research Interest:
Bin Guo is interested in carbon sequestration and subsurface multiphase flow with an expertise of reactive transport modeling. Bin has a background of hydro power and is concerned about China energy issues. Bin also has interest in oil and gas industry. Bin is currently working on leakage estimation in onshore carbon sequestration.

Intership Experience

Intersect Model Builder (IXMB) Shale Gas Module Development
Chevron, 06/2013-08/2013
·    Implemented Embedded Discrete Fracture Modeling (EDFM) to the Shale Gas module in IX Model Builder, including GUI design and writing the grid description file
·    Benchmarked the simulation results from EDFM and Local Grid Refinement (LGR) method
·    Applied the new method to a shale gas field

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