About the Program

The Princeton in Dar es Salaam Kiswahili summer study abroad program is designed in the spirit of Princeton University’s commitment to providing high quality opportunities that allow undergraduates and graduate students to encounter firsthand the peoples, culture, and contemporary concerns of other regions of the world.

The program is based at the Institute of Kiswahili Research of the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania and offers students an intensive program that combines in-class Swahili language study with immersion in the daily life and culture of the Swahili-speakers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The program runs from June 10–August 2, 2013. The application deadline is Friday, February 22, 2013 for Intermediate Swahili (SWA 105T & SWA 107T) and Wednesday, March 20, 2013, for Elementary Swahili (SWA 101T & SWA 102T). Download the application (.doc)

A study abroad experience in Tanzania at this time in history allows students to witness the country in its formative stages of transformation from a socialist state (that resisted Western influence through three decades of President Julius Nyerere’s radical socialist ideology) to a capitalist economy with all the challenges of a post-colonial African state.

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