Justin Williams 11

In A time of Myth and Legend, when the Gods were petty and cruel and plagued Long Island, NY with Seinfeld reruns and stale bagels and the tyranny of the boston Celtics... A child was born at the Long Island Jewish center.... a child that would bring hope, prosperity and justice to a needy world..... and across from that child, was Justin Williams. From these humble Strong Island beginnings, Justin Williams attended Friends Academy in Locust Valley, NY. Since his only dance experience in high school was watching his two little sisters and Mom do ballet, He settled for lettering in Cross Country, Lacrosse, Basketball and Track and Field. During his brief time at Princeton University, Justin has been a member of the Princeton Crew Team, Princeton Rugby Mens Club, The Most Glorious Tiger Inn, a random piece of dude with Expressions Dance Company (for obvious, masculine, bromantic reasons) and, along with two other classmates, founded Princeton's newest a cappella group, Old NasSoul, singing Bass, like a Man! However, Justin is incredibly honored and super massively stoked to be back in the best place on earth, middle-earth or even slightly-to-the-left earth, the famous BodyHype Dance Company! With his silky Hip Hop jiggling and popping and drool worthy Lyrical bodacious stylings, Justin Williams hopes to be remembered for nothing more than making everyone's company experience filled with enthusiasm, ingenuity, familyness and most of all..... the Highest form of love possible with his trusty side kick Brian Boone- The heart thumping love only found in his luscious Curly Hair!

© 1991-2009