Corrosion & Environmental Degradation
Table of Contents
Hydrogen Cracking
· Anodic or cathodic behavior can lead to different failure processes in the same material as illustrated in the diagram.
· In the case where the crack exhibits anodic behavior, stress corrosion cracking (LHS) dominates crack propagation and material failure. Anodic dissolution of metal in the region of the crack tip maintains a sharp tip with its associated high stress concentration.
· With cathodic behavior, hydrogen atoms created in the cathodic reaction cause hydrogen embrittlement,  atomic hydrogen entering the metal, changing crack surface energies, and inhibiting dislocation motion. The latter makes the crack tip region behave in a brittle manner, even if the bulk material is ductile. A few parts per million of hydrogen in the metal can cause cracking.
From: M.G. Fontana, "Corrosion Engineering,"
Wiley (1986)