
Want to talk to an administrator? All of the following people work in the College Office in 201 Wilcox Hall, in the hallway leading to Wu Hall.

Click on the links below to email them, or if you'd rather see someone in person, visit the College website for this nifty map. The College Office is open from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. During the summer of 2009, the Wilson College Office will be located in Dillon Court, while renovations are made to Wilcox Hall to improve handicap accessibility. Please check the College website for details.

If you would like to make an appointment with Dean Herschbach, Dr. Axcelson, or Dr. Olin, you can do so at this link.


College Master: Eduardo Cadava

Dean: Lisa Herschbach

Director of Studies: Dr. Jack Axcelson

Director of Student Life: Dr. Michael Olin

College Administrator: Laurie Hebditch

College Assistants: Barbara MacFarland and Evelyn Spradley